Kim and the Little Wizard: The Bird Bridge
John Possidente
(Ardesco Press, April 17, 2017)
This is the tale of how Kim, a big, practical guy who likes to grow things, first met the little wizard (who would eventually become his good friend, but not yet). It's also the story of how they traveled (magically, because it's faster) to a far off land, and Kim tried to fix a problem that all the wizard's magic couldn't solve. Why would a powerful wizard (one who definitely needs a bath) want help from a simple Chinese farmer? Well, sometimes problems that seem complicated need commonsense solutions.Please note: This is a very short story meant to be read out loud, preferably at bedtime. It takes about 15 or 20 minutes if nobody interrupts or asks any questions. (Does that ever happen?) If there's any moral or sentimentality in here, it's entirely unintentional.