Let's Be Friends
Contesia Sanders
(Mac Syd LLC, March 3, 2011)
This short story is about three friends that are from different countries but all lives in the United States. Flash, Match, & Read books consist of words from the first 400 words a child need to know to become a successful reader.You can also purchase the flash cards that goes with the ebook at www.flashmatchread.comHow It Works:When you purchase the flash cards you will receive two sets. Each set has every word from the book printed on them. First introduce your child to the simple words on the flash cards. As you show them each word, sound out the word, and talk about the meaning of the word. Your child will soon want to show off his/her ability to recognize the words with you and others. Use the FLASH CARDS to review the words anytime.. anywhere.. even in the car.Memorization games help your child learn to read. Playing a MATCH GAME with your child will help them become even more familiar with the words. Turn all the flash cards over both sets, words facing down. Lay them out in a big square on the floor or table. Take turns and match the words while saying them out loud. If you match a card, you get to go again. Remembering where the words are located and repeating the words while trying to find their mate will make learning them fun. YOU WIN if you have more matched sets of words.After FLASH and MATCH, your child should be able to READ the book that goes along with the cards. You may have to help them at first, but soon they will be teaching other children.