Bob Humbug
John Falola
(Olde Tyme Books, March 15, 2011)
To the outside city world, humbugs are a thing of the past. As the last of the once friendly, forest-dwelling creatures, Bob prefers to keep it that way. Holed up in his forgotten tree, he no longer knows how to live, laugh, and love those around him. And like the Grinches and Scrooges of before, he has no love for happy holidays! Yet, one winter, four city children come crashing into the humbug's life, stumbling upon the grumpiest grouch they have ever met! Thinking that Bob suffers from the winter blues, they come back every season to try and make a friend of the humbug. Will they finally succeed in their ambitious quest or will they be sent back to the city for good by mean old Bob?