Elsie and the Raymonds
Martha Finley
(TheClassics.us, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1889 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XVm. Mb. Short took great interest in the plans and preparations for celebrating the Fourth, and was quite anxious that "the captain's young folks" should have their every wish in regard to them satisfied. Also he thought it would be a fine thing to give them an agreeable surprise. He had a private consultation with Captain Raymond, and one result was that Max and Lulu were unexpectedly roused from sleep at sunrise of the important day by the firing of cannon and the ringing of all the church bells, while at the same moment a flag was flung to the breeze fromevery public building. "Oh, it's the Fourth, the glorious Fourth ! '* cried Lulu, springing out of bed and running to her window. "It's a lovely day, too; and there are flags flying. Papa," she called, "is it tooearly for me to get up?" "No," he answered, "not if you wish to j "ax and I are going to rise now. You may close your door and dress yourself for the day." She made haste with her toilet, arraying herself in white, which she considered the most suitable thing for the "glorious Fourth," and adding one of her badges to her adornment. Her father smiled approval when she came to him for the usual good-morning caress. "My little girl looks sweet and pure in papa's partial eyes," he said. "It's nice to have you look at me with that kind of eyes, you dear papa," she returned, giving him a vigorous hug, and laughing merrily. "I think it's with that kind of eyes papa looks at all his children," remarked Max, " and I believe it is for our happiness and his, too." "Very true, my son," rejoined the captain. Lulu was full of pleasurable excitement. "Papa, do you know if all the things you have sent for have come ?" she asked. "I think it likely the last of them came on the...