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Books with title Daisy and the Trouble with Sports Days

  • Daisy and the Trouble with Vampires

    Kes Gray

    Paperback (Red Fox, Oct. 6, 2016)
    It’s Halloween and Daisy is going trick-or-treating for the very first time. In the dark . . . in the fog . . . with a VAMPIRE . . . armed only with a torch and some silly string. GULP!The funny, spooky and totally troublesome tale from the bestselling Daisy series.
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Nature

    Kes Gray

    Paperback (Red Fox, March 5, 2020)
    The laugh-out-loud new Daisy adventure, from bestselling author of the Oi Frog series, Kes Gray.Daisy and her class are so excited when their new school nature garden is unveiled. Trouble is, there's not very much nature in it. No birds, no butterflies, no ants, no spiders, no grizzly bears and definitely no wolverines. Just lots of mud.So when Daisy and Gabby find out Gabby's dad is taking them camping that weekend, they decide it's the perfect chance to find some nature at last!
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Giants

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt, Gary Parsons

    Paperback (Red Fox, May 1, 2010)
    Daisy has decided she wants to meet a real giant! If Daisy met a real giant he'd pick Daisy up and put her on his shoulder and they'd have giant adventures! They'd eat sweets as big as tractor tires, and if she got thirsty, they'd have giant lemonades out of giant straws. It would be sooooo gooood! Trouble is, if you want to meet a giant you need a magic bean. And finding magic beans can be troublesome. The trouble with giants is they really shouldn't live at the top of magic beanstalks. If giants didn't live at the top of magic beanstalks then Daisy is convinced that she wouldn't be in big trouble again!
  • Daisy and the Trouble with School Trips

    Kes Gray

    eBook (RHCP Digital, Aug. 9, 2018)
    Daisy is going on a school trip to Bobbington Hall, with lots of other children and few teachers.There'll be suits of armour, there'll be olden toilets and there may even be secret passages.Trouble is, can anyone find them? And what happens if they do?The perfect, laugh-out-loud adventure for readers 6+
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Burglars

    Kes Gray, Garry Parsons, Nick Sharratt

    language (RHCP Digital, Aug. 1, 2013)
    No matter the occasion, Daisy just can't help getting into trouble! When three actual burglaries happen in Daisy’s town, Daisy is beside herself with excitement. Two houses and the fish and chip shop have been broken into (and lots of cods and haddocks have been stolen). Anyone could be next!Daisy wants to help. Together with Gabby and Dylan, she forms her own detective agency. Armed with a notebook, a magnifying glass, a camera and a box of icing sugar, she sets out on the burglars' trail.Trouble is, detective work is hard when you're not allowed to go further than the end of the road . . .
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Life

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt

    Paperback (Red Fox, May 1, 2007)
    You absolutely can't go anywhere at all when you're grounded, so Daisy has plenty of time to think about what she's done. If only her pocket money hadn't run out and if someone hadn't dropped a strawberry candy on the pavement and if strawberry candy wasn't Daisy's absolute favorite, things could have turned out differently. Who knew that it had invisible red germs that are so totally teensy and that Auntie Sue says give you tummy trouble? Daisy's trips to the bathroom are interspersed with hilarious musings about the trouble with everything, from her goldfish Freddie who thinks it's a dolphin, to the school name-caller Jack Beechwhistle, and garden hoses that don't do as they're told. Now, if only Daisy can find a word to rhyme with hippopotamus, she and Gabby can magically turn her next door neighbor's cat into a hippo. When she's un-grounded and off the toilet, of course.
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Zoos

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt, Garry Parsons

    Paperback (Red Fox, April 1, 2010)
    Mom has invited Daisy’s best friends, Gabby and Dylan, on a trip to the zoo—and, best of all, Mom has arranged for Daisy to go into the actual penguin cage with the actual zoo keeper and feed actual penguins—real penguins, with beaks and everything! Trouble is, Daisy doesn't just feed the penguins, she "adopts" one to take home and everything.
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Burglars

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt

    Paperback (Red Fox, April 1, 2014)
    Daisy's back, and getting into more trouble than ever—this time as a detectiveNo matter the occasion, Daisy just can't help getting into trouble! When a series of burglaries baffle Daisy's neighborhood, Daisy wants to help. Along with Gabby and Dylan, she turns detective and sets out to catch the culprit. Trouble is, detective work is hard when you're not allowed to go further than the end of the road.
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Kittens

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt, Gary Parsons

    Paperback (Red Fox, June 1, 2010)
    Daisy is going on holiday! In an actual plane to actual Spain! It's so exciting! She's never seen a palm tree before, or eaten octopus, or played zombie mermaids, or made so many new friends! Trouble is, five of them are small and cute and furry kittens—and guess who wants to be their new mommy?

    Kes Gray

    Paperback (RED FOX BOOKS, March 9, 2017)
    Daisy and the Trouble with Chocolate
  • Daisy and the Trouble with Maggots

    Kes Gray, Nick Sharratt

    Paperback (Red Fox, Nov. 1, 2010)
    Go crazy for the one and only Daisy! Daisy is incredibly excited when her uncle offers to take her on a fishing trip. There's so much new stuff to learn, such as how water witches turn fishermen into dog poop, why supermarkets don't stock "picnic-y" things like lemonade and chicken wings on the same shelf, and why it's a really, really bad idea to use wriggly tiggly maggots as catapult ammunition.
  • Daisy and the Trouble With Jack

    Kes Gray

    Paperback (Red Fox, Feb. 25, 2016)
    Daisy and the Trouble with Jack