Common Core English Language Arts Grade 8
Marjorie Frank, Jodie Fransen
Covering language arts for grade 8 and packed with activities designed to engage students, this comprehensive collection is ideal for both home and classroom use. Perfect for parents and educators seeking to understand and navigate the Common Core standards and their implementation, this book is organized according to specific grade level standards. The activities, which cover a range of reading levels and text complexity, each correlate to specific standards and include topics such as key ideas, details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are also incorporated into the lessons throughout the book, which include assessments to measure a student’s strengths and weaknesses in each major skill area. Easy-to-read tables clearly define each standard and are correlated to supporting content. Every activity page is clearly labeled with the corresponding standard. Activities included support Common Core lessons, including: • Analysis and evaluation of texts, supported by evidence • Delineation and evaluation of written and spoken arguments • Conventions of English grammar and usage • Producing and strengthening coherent writing • Acquisition and use of academic vocabulary • Answer key is included