Franny Finds a Home!
Crystal White, Jennifer Thomas, Mark Wayne Adams
(Southern Yellow Pine Publishing LLC, Feb. 15, 2016)
Franny is a real live "pound dog," who was living in a shelter in Clarksville, Tennessee, when she adopted Crystal. But at first she was scared and didn't fit in. "What is that?" asked one of Crystal's daughters when she arrived. "Oh, Mother, take it back!" said another. But thankfully, Crystal didn't. It took Franny a while to find her comfort spot within the family. And she collected quite a few nicknames along the way, including Frannikans, Proo Proo, Francis, Shranny Doo, and Reepy. But she didn't mind. Franny has many quirky character traits, which she'll reveal in her upcoming tales. Her favorite place is squeezed into the chair seat beside Crystal as she writes.