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Books in Global Classics series

  • On the Eve

    Ivan Turgenev, Gilbert Gardiner

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Classics, April 30, 1950)
    Turgenev is an author who no longer belongs to Russia only. During the last fifteen years of his life he won for himself the reading public, first in France, then in Germany and America, and finally in England. In his funeral oration the spokesman of the most artistic and critical of European nations, Ernest Renan, hailed him as one of the greatest writers of our times: 'The Master, whose exquisite works have charmed our century, stand more than any other man as the incarnation of the whole race', because 'a whole world lived in him and spoke through his mouth'. Not the Russian world only, we may add, but the whole Slavonic world, to which it was 'an honour to have been expressed by so great a Master'. As regards his method of dealing with his material and shaping it into mould, he stands even higher than as a pure creator. Tolstoy is more plastical, and certainly as deep and original and rich in creative power as Turgenev, and Dostoevsky is more intense, fervid, and dramatic. But as an artist, as master of the combination of details into a harmonious whole, as an architect of imaginative work, he surpasses all the prose writers of his country, and has but few equals among the great novelists of other lands. To one familiar with all Turgenev's works it is evident that he possessed the keys of all human emotions, all human feelings, the highest and the lowest, the novel as well as the base. But there was in him such a love of light, sunshine, and living human poetry, such an organic aversion for all that is ugly, or coarse and discordant, that he makes himself almost exclusively the poet of the gentler side of human nature. We may say that the description of love is Turgenev's speciality.
  • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

    Jules Verne

    Paperback (Bantam USA, )
  • The Prince

    Niccolo Machiavelli, George Bull

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Classics, July 30, 1961)
  • A Pair of Blue Eyes

    Thomas Hardy

    Mass Market Paperback (Penguin Classics, Sept. 2, 1986)
  • Tom Brown's Schooldays

    Thomas Hughes

    Hardcover (London: Bancroft & Co, 1966, Jan. 1, 1966)
  • Lorna Doone

    R D Blackmore

    Hardcover (Walker Books, March 15, 1992)
    Part of the "Deans Classics" series which re-tell or abridge stories so that they are suitable for children's readership. Set in the late 17th century on Exmoor, this story concerns an outlawed family. When the family murder a farmer, father of the story's hero, the adventure begins.
  • Gulliver's Stories

    Jonathan Swift

    Paperback (Scholastic Paperbacks, March 1, 1989)
    A fantasy relating experiences of an English adventurer in the land of little people and in the land of giants
  • A Christmas Carol

    Scott McCullar, Charles Dickens, Naresh Kumar, Amit Tayal

    Paperback (Campfire, )
  • The Secret Garden

    louise [adapted from the original by Frances Hodgson burnett] betts

    Paperback (Troll, )
    The Secret Garden (Classics) Burnett, Frances Hodgson
  • Romeo and Juliet

    John N. McDonald, William Shakespeare, Sachin Nagar

    Paperback (Campfire, )
  • Complete Short Stories

    Mark Twain

    Paperback (Bantam USA, June 1, 1982)
  • Stories From Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare

    Hardcover (Usborne Books, Jan. 30, 2005)
    Contains: A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, As you like it, Twelfth Night, The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, The Winter's Tale, Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew.