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Books in Captured World History series

  • Lunch Counter Sit-Ins: How Photographs Helped Foster Peaceful Civil Rights Protests

    Danielle Smith-Llera

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, Aug. 1, 2018)
    On point historical photographs combined with strong narration bring the saga of the Woolworth lunch counter sit-ins in the early 1960s to life. Readers will learn about the four brave college students who started it all, as well as the many who came after. These events changed the world. The photographer who took the photographs shown in this book is now in his 90s, but he agreed to an exclusive interview for this book.
  • Olympic Gold 1936: How the Image of Jesse Owens Crushed Hitler's Evil Myth

    Michael Burgan

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, Jan. 1, 2017)
    Jesse Owens’ gold-medal winning feats at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin struck a mighty propaganda blow against Adolf Hitler. The Nazi leader had planned to use the German games as a showcase of supposed Aryan superiority. Instead there was American black athlete Owens on the podium being photographed by Hitler’s personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. In addition, Owens would figure prominently in the groundbreaking film Olympia by Hitler’s favorite director Leni Riefenstahl. Photo and film captured Owens’ stunning success and revealed how wrong Hitler was in his beliefs.
  • Breaker Boys: How a Photograph Helped End Child Labor

    Michael Burgan

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, Aug. 1, 2011)
    Little boys, some as young as 6, spent their long days, not playing or studying, but sorting coal in dusty, loud, and dangerous conditions. Many of these breaker boys worked 10 hours a day, six days a week all for as little as 45 cents a day. Child labor was common in the United States in the 19th century. It took the compelling, heart breaking photographs of Lewis Hine and others to bring the harsh working conditions to light. Hine and his fellow Progressives wanted to end child labor. He knew photography would reveal the truth and teach and change the world. With his camera Hine showed people what life was like for immigrants, the poor, and the children working in mines, factories, and mills. In the words of an historian, the more than 7,000 photos Hine took of American children at work aroused public sentiment against child labor in a way that no printed page or public lecture could.
  • World History: Guided Reading Workbook Ancient Civilizations Through the Renaissance


    Paperback (HOLT MCDOUGAL, Aug. 5, 2019)
  • Birmingham 1963: How a Photograph Rallied Civil Rights Support

    Shelley Marie Tougas, Kathleen Baxter, Alexa L. Sandmann Ed.D.

    Library Binding (Compass Point Books, Dec. 1, 2010)
    In May 1963 news photographer Charles Moore was on hand to document the Children’s Crusade, a civil rights protest. But the photographs he took that day did more than document an event; they helped change history. His photograph of a trio of African-American teenagers being slammed against a building by a blast of water from a fire hose was especially powerful. The image of this brutal treatment turned Americans into witnesses at a time when hate and prejudice were on trial. It helped rally the civil rights movement and energized the public, making civil rights a national problem needing a national solution. And it paved the way for Congress to finally pass laws to give citizens equal rights regardless of the color of their skin.
  • Man on the Moon: How a Photograph Made Anything Seem Possible

    Pamela Jain Dell, Kathleen Baxter

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, Feb. 1, 2011)
    It is a bizarrely beautiful image: A man in a spacesuit stands isolated in an alien world. His companion, the photographer, and their landing craft are reflected in his visor. This photograph, taken by Neil Armstrong of fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin, is the most famous documentation of America’s 1969 moon landing. But to people in every country on Earth, it represented and still does so much more. The man in the photograph was hundreds of thousands of miles away from his home planet. He had conquered another world. It was, as Armstrong said, a giant leap for mankind. The photo of this historic event remains one of the most powerful and inspiring representations of the achievements of humankind.
  • The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History

    Jane Bingham, Fiona Chandler, Sam Taplin

    Hardcover (Usborne Pub Ltd, Jan. 1, 2011)
    Covers world history from the beginning of the universe to 2000, and provides information about major civilizations, rulers and other historical figures, important events, and scientific and technical advances.
  • Exposing Hidden Worlds: How Jacob Riis' Photos Became Tools for Social Reform

    Michael Burgan

    Library Binding (Compass Point Books, Aug. 1, 2017)
    President Theodore Roosevelt called Jacob Riis "the best American I ever knew." The pioneering photojournalist, an immigrant from Denmark, drew attention to the poverty and evils of slum life in the late 1800s. Riis won national acclaim when his photos illustrated his bestselling book How the Other Half Lives. The book focused on the difficult time immigrants faced as thousands of newcomers flooded into the United States each year. Riis called for reform and hoped to prod government officials to help the poor people who were forced to live under horrible conditions. The impact of Riis' photos came from capturing the poor and homeless as they lived and worked, with the subjects' eyes often staring directly into the camera. The great photographer Ansel Adams called them "magnificent achievements in the field of humanistic photography." But the reforms that came from Riis' work have not eliminated urban poverty and homelessness, and important work remains to be done.
  • Migrant Mother: How a Photograph Defined the Great Depression

    Don Nardo, Kathleen Baxter, Alexa L. Sandmann Ed.D.

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, Feb. 1, 2011)
    In the 1930s, photographer Dorothea Lange traveled the American West documenting the experiences of those devastated by the Great Depression. She wanted to use the power of the image to effect political change, but even she could hardly have expected the effect that a simple portrait of a worn-looking woman and her children would have on history. This image, taken at a migrant workers' camp in Nipomo, California, would eventually come to be seen as the very symbol of the Depression. The photograph helped reveal the true cost of the disaster on human lives and shocked the U.S. government into providing relief for the millions of other families devastated by the Depression.
  • Little Rock Girl 1957: How a Photograph Changed the Fight for Integration

    Shelley Marie Tougas

    Library Binding (Compass Point Books, July 1, 2011)
    Nine African American students made history when they defied a governor and integrated an Arkansas high school in 1957. It was the photo of a young girl trying to enter the school being taunted, harassed and threatened by an angry mob that grabbed the world's attention and kept its disapproving gaze on Little Rock, Arkansas. In defiance of a federal court order, Governor Orval Faubus called in the National Guard to prevent the students from entering all white Central High School. The plan had been for the students to meet and go to school as a group on September 4, 1957. But one student didn't hear of the plan and tried to enter the school alone. A chilling photo by newspaper photographer Will Counts captured the sneering expression of a girl in the mob and made history. Years later Counts snapped another photo, this one of the same two girls, now grownup, reconciling in front of Central High School.
  • The Blue Marble: How a Photograph Revealed Earth's Fragile Beauty

    Don Nardo, James H Gerard

    Paperback (Compass Point Books, March 1, 2014)
    The astronauts headed to the moon in December 1972 thought they knew what to expect. They would soon be exploring the moon’s surface in a lunar rover, traveling farther than anyone before them. They would be collecting soil and rock samples for study back on Earth and could expect to learn about the moon’s physical makeup and age. But what they didn’t expect came as a huge bonus. The astronauts of Apollo 17 would produce an amazing photograph of planet Earth a lonely globe floating in inky black space. Their stunning Blue Marble image was destined to become one of the most reproduced and recognizable photos in history. And no one is 100 percent sure who took it.
  • Tank Man: How a Photograph Defined China's Protest Movement

    Michael Burgan

    Library Binding (Compass Point Books, Jan. 1, 2014)
    No one knew his name. But soon millions would know about his bravery. For almost two months in spring 1989, Beijing’s Tiananmen Square had been the site of growing protests against China's hardline communist government. In early June, China’s leaders had had enough. In a matter of days soldiers cleared the square. They used sticks and cattle prods. They shot rubber bullets, then real ones. They used bayonets. Student protesters fought back with firebombs and rocks, but they were no match for the soldiers. Gunfire still rang out in parts of Beijing, but China’s leaders felt in control. As tanks rumbled through the streets near Tiananmen Square, a man in a white shirt came suddenly into view. He held up his right hand, like a police officer trying to halt traffic. The first huge tank in a row of four stopped just a few feet in front of the man. The tanks behind it stopped as well. Photographer Jeff Widener took a picture of the brave protester halting the huge armored fighting vehicles. The image was soon sent around the world, becoming one of the most famous photographs ever.