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Books in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 3 series

  • Resurrecting Ravana

    Ray Garton

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Spotlight Entertainment, Jan. 1, 2000)
    RAISING THE DEAD With midterms looming, the students at Sunnydale High are predictably stressed-out. Even super-student Willow is feeling the pressure to succeed. And when her usual study buddies -- Buffy, Xander, and Oz -- decide they don't need her tutorial sessions, Willow wonders if she's really what they don't need. But her hurt feelings don't explain her sudden antagonism toward Buffy -- or the strange dreams they've both been having. As tensions in the school escalate into brutal acts of violence -- and the perpetrators turn up horribly mutilated -- Buffy and the gang search for a supernatural source. The evidence indicates that someone is attempting to resurrect a powerful Hindu demon. Willow's new conÞdante, guidance counselor Promila Daruwalla, becomes the prime suspect...until Giles runs into an old "friend" who is always causing trouble. It will take all of the Slayer's resources...and the help of all her find the culprit and destroy the key to the demon's
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Oz

    Christopher Golden, Logan Lubera

    Paperback (Dark Horse Books, May 28, 2002)
    Seeking the wisdom of a Tibetan monk, Oz manages to find the monk with the help of a demon girl and her family, but he also manages to find big trouble, as he must face off against hellhounds, hobgoblins, trolls, and other horrible demons. A Graphic Novel. Original.
  • Go Ask Malice: A Slayer's Diary

    Robert Joseph Levy

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, July 1, 2006)
    January 22 Had the dream again last night. Only, this time it was different. . . . Faith has always been a loner. Growing up in a broken home in South Boston, shuffled from relative to relative, her only companion was an imaginary friend named Alex, who helped her escape into a fantasy world of monsters and the supernatural, far from the real-life horrors of the waking world. Now, taken away from her mother by social services and shipped off to a foster home, Faith learns that some nightmares are all too real, that the inventions of her childhood really do haunt the night, hungry for blood. Enter Diana Dormer, a Harvard professor and representative of the Watchers Council who has come to tell Faith of her destiny, to train her, to prepare her for what is to come: Faith is the Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. But she's not alone. When Alex, her childhood companion, returns in her dreams, she warns Faith that someone else is coming for her, a force so deadly and unforgiving that it has inspired fear in the underworld for a thousand generations. Its name is Malice. As memory and fantasy begin to merge, Faith's two worlds collide, with cataclysmic results. A violent battle for the Slayer's soul is staged, winner take all. This is her story. . . .
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: New School Nightmare

    Carolyn Nowak

    Hardcover (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, Sept. 25, 2018)
    An exciting and hilarious new middle grade story for anyone who likes (or doesn't like) vampires! Buffy Summers is just like any other student...except for the part where she's also a secret vampire slayer. In every generation, one girl is granted great strength to stand against the forces of darkness. Of course, power doesn't matter when it comes to eating lunch alone, getting picked on by the popular kids, or having way too much homework. Luckily, Buffy finds her way with a can-do attitude, a weird Watcher, and new besties, Sarafina and Alvaro--who might just have powers of their own. But will any of it be enough to turn the tide when an army of villainous vampires invade town? Can Buffy save herself, let alone the world? Like Star Wars: Jedi Academy and DC Comics' Secret Hero Society, this action-packed and fun-filled story is told through comics, journal entries, class notes, doodles, text messages, and other in-world artifacts.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1: Coyote Moon; Night of the Living Rerun; Portal Through Time

    Arthur Byron Cover, Alice Henderson, John Vornholt

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, June 8, 2010)
    In every generation, there is a Chosen One. A slayer destined to protect the human race. She alone must fight the demons of hell. She alone must risk her life to stop the spread of evil. Buffy is the Chosen One. In Coyote Moon, a typical night at the carnival becomes deadly as shape shifters turn the amusement park into their own house of horrors. Buffy starts having past-life nightmares in Night of the Living Rerun, and must face her historic counterpart before the events of the past repeat in the present. In Portal through Time, Slayers over the centuries are in danger, and Buffy must protect them in order to save her own life and legacy.
  • These Our Actors

    Dori Koogler, Ashley McConnell

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Spotlight Entertainment, Sept. 1, 2002)
    Curtain Call Willow Rosenberg is disappointed when her best friend Buffy, aka the Chosen One, decides to drop drama class in order to concentrate on her Slaying. Willow decides to stick with the class on her own, however, and this once-shy wallflower is pleased to find herself way bitten with the acting bug. It's no surprise to Buffy and the Scoobs, then, when Willow decides to pitch in with the drama club's latest production. Of course, Sunnydale being Hellmouth Central, Willow soon discovers a link between drama and magick; in fact, many ancient Greek performances were actually invocations to the Gods. Spike, who in his pre-vamp days had been a great patron of the arts, confirms this fact. He also takes an unusual level of interest in Willow's extracurricular activities. When strange paranormal occurrences -- and the appearance of a ghost or two -- threaten Willow's safety, the witch starts to wonder if it isn't time to exit, stage left....
  • Buffy: Season Ten Volume 2 - I Wish

    Christos Gage, Rebekah Isaacs, Joss Whedon

    Paperback (Dark Horse Books, April 21, 2015)
    Buffy and her crew get their fight on, as they try to take control of the new rules of magic! While new living arrangements take some getting used to, Buffy and the Scoobies head for adventure in Sunnydale, where Andrew is up to his good/bad/old tricks again. And as everyone continues to feel the responsibility of writing the new magical rules, they are tempted by what new rules can do for them . . . just like the Big Bads who have come knocking on Buffy's door!
  • The Book of Fours

    Nancy Holder

    Mass Market Paperback (Gallery Books, Jan. 29, 2002)
    A new evil menaces the inhabitants of Sunnydale with a quartet of disasters based on the four sacred elements--earth, air, fire, and water--as Buffy teams up with her predecessor's Watcher, sorcerer Kit Bothwell, to find the answer to her own prophetic dreams. Reprint. (A UPN television series, created by Joss Whedon, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar) (Horror)
  • The Willow Files: Volume 2

    Yvonne Navarro

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Spotlight Entertainment, Jan. 30, 2001)
    "Now we're supposed to be deciding what we wanna do with our lives and I realized that's what I want to do. Fight evil....It's a good fight, Buffy, and I want in."Since the self-proclaimed "science nerd" had the odd luck to fall in with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow Rosenberg has come into her own. As a member of the Scooby Gang, Willow used her skills as savvy 'Net girl to help save the world on more than one occasion. But as time passed, Willow's powers evolved from Web surfing to the limitless realm of magic. And with that change came some difficult life lessons.Willow has always longed for more parental guidance, but when Sunnydale's adults are swept up in a witch hunt, Willow finds that her mother's judgment really bums. And who knew that her forays into the black arts would bring her literally face-to-face with an alter ego "Old Reliable" never imagined existed? Ultimately, though, when it comes time to take charge of her future, Willow realizes that whether it be as a computer hacker or Wicca extraordinaire, she can go further than she had ever staying right where she has been all along.
  • Sweet Sixteen

    Scott Ciencin

    Mass Market Paperback (Gallery Books, April 2, 2002)
    Buffy's younger sister, Dawn, knows how it feels to be different. So when she overhears her classmates teasing a new girl, Arianna, she steps in, and the two become friends. But when Buffy comes home one afternoon to find her sister and Arianna hanging out, she's surprised -- she encountered Arianna one night on patrol. A demon had been attacking her, but Arianna fought back on her own. What's that about? The more the gang gets to know Arianna, the more puzzled they are. She has superstrength and accelerated healing power, just like a slayer. But what she also has is a dark secret and an unusual past -- and a dangerous legacy that is primed to reveal itself, just as soon as she turns sweet sixteen....
  • Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 3

    Yvonne Navarro, Christopher Golden, Nancy Holder, Mel Odom

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, Nov. 1, 2003)
    The Slayers' lives are short, and not very sweet. The Watchers' Journals are full of their tales -- their battles, their triumphs, and ultimately, their successors. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is but the latest in a long line of women warriors stretching back to the dawn of humankind. As long as there have been vampires, there has been a Slayer. Usually called in her teens, the Chosen One leads a brief life full of conflict and doom. From the Anasazi villages of A.D. 1250 to Shanghai, China, in 1866, from Hollywood in the '40s to Buffy's predecessor in Tokyo of the '90s, Slayers have always risen above their most recent defeat. Four best-selling Buffy novelists come together in a collection of novellas chronicling tales of Slayers past. Christopher Golden, Nancy Holder, Mel Odom, and Yvonne Navarro each present a new entry in the historic line of Slayers.
  • Mortal Fear

    Scott Ciencin, Denise Ciencin

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, Sept. 1, 2003)
    Control Issues Buffy Summers is being run ragged all over Sunnydale these days. Working from clues some mysterious power is providing her with, the Slayer's chasing down different baddies to gather pieces of a soul sword before it can be reassembled and fall into the wrong hands. While she resents following someone else's orders, at the same time it is oddly comforting to her to have a clear goal, and someone else making all the plans. Without Giles around, and with her relationships a mess, Buffy's at a point in her life where she could use some direction. Her friends are also searching for control in their lives, looking for areas they can excel in -- without magick or destruction. Xander and Willow figure there has to be a better way to get by, to get ahead for a change. But just when it seems as if their dreams are coming true, both are felled by a strange virus that has been sweeping through Sunnydale -- and thus "poisoning" the food supply for the local vamps. With lives at stake, Buffy must broker a truce with the vamps, find the rest of the sword, and locate her mysterious benefactor. All while fending off a rash of vicious attacks from the resident population -- and her friends and family! If Buffy was looking for a goal, she has one now: survival!