Sequoia 8. Blazing Topknots
Mary Martin Weyand
(Write On For Kids, March 15, 2014)
In 1911, Superintendent of Sequoia National Park, Walter Fry camped in the trees in the same area where a pair of pileated woodpeckers (made famous by Walter Lantz's cartoon character) were busy with nest-building. Having built large nests in tree trunks, their eggs, then offspring, were cared for by both parents, 'Cap' and 'Phoebe'. The sudden killing of Phoebe left Cap a terrified widower, and the story of his brave attempts to feed and care for his four begging nestlings is shared by Fry with warmth and humor. In Of Giants and Grizzlies, Sequoia 8. Blazing Topknots we can view video that offers a good look at some of today's pileated woodpeckers. Secondary reading material for mid-grade students studying California history and natural science. Part 7 of a 10 part audio video hyperlink enhanced eBook which includes access to free printable teacher guides.