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Books published by publisher Telemachus Press, LLC

  • Dark Side of Sunset Pointe: A Lance Underphal Mystery

    Michael Allan Scott

    Paperback (Telemachus Press LLC, Feb. 6, 2013)
    Visions of murders before they happen, itā€™s a curse. Lance Underphal was devastated by his wifeā€™s death. And now, the down-and-out freelance photographer canā€™t let her go. He wakes up plagued by premonitions. The double shooting of an Arizona real estate developer and his mistress/bookkeeper immerse Underphal in a world of psychic phenomena. Dark, different, featuring a damaged paranormal psychic and based on real-life events, this genre-bending supernatural murder mystery will keep you guessing. Looking for a new breed of supernatural thrillers? Psychic mysteries of murder and suspense? Perhaps a psychic detective series which can be read and enjoyed in any order? Or maybe those scary books for adults that you canā€™t put down? Regardless, the dark, disturbing novels by Indie Author, Michael Allan Scott, wonā€™t disappoint.
  • The Victim of the System

    Steve Hadden

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, April 3, 2018)
    Twenty-two years ago, Ike Rossiā€™s life was shattered when his parents were murdered in cold blood. He surrendered his football scholarship and returned home to find their killer and raise his nine-year-old sister. Now, the crime of a local ten-year-old genius, Jack Cole, threatens to unearth old wounds rather than provide the closure Ike desperately wants.When Ike meets Jack inside the Pittsburgh courthouse, he doesnā€™t see a murderer but instead a boy who has been victimized by a system that has left them both without justice. Despite knowing the case will resurrect the painful demons of his parentsā€™ unsolved murders, Ike agrees to clear Jackā€™s name. The court of public opinion and the district attorney have an airtight case. Worse, taking Jackā€™s side thrusts Ike into the crosshairs of the most powerful family in Pittsburgh, the Falzones.Now, with only days before the trial, Ike confronts the Falzonesā€™ crumbling empire to find the shocking evidence that could save Jack. At the same time, he races to decipher a series of cryptic clues from Jackā€™s dead father that could hold the key to his sonā€™s freedom. But each step closer to the truth draws them further into danger, and as three fractured families collide, Ike is forced to choose between saving Jackā€”and saving himself.The Victim of the System is a powerful and entertaining thriller about the justice system, closure and the abyss between them.
  • Medicine From Cave Dwellers to Millennials

    Jonathan Stolz

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, July 30, 2018)
    Medicine and disease has preoccupied man from the age of the cave dweller to the present day millennial generation. In all cultures and eras populations have sought the means to preserve health and restore it when absent. How physicians and scientists throughout history have traveled the long circuitous journey to comprehend the mysteries of the human body, origins of disease and treat the ill is the subject of this book. Written for todayā€™s patients and medical professionals, the fast-paced narrative delivers compelling insight into older medical practices and gives the reader an appreciation of how medicine has developed through the centuries to the present.In the prehistoric era and ancient civilizations the imagination of early healthcare providers was frequently innovative. They produced a variety of treatments to help the ill and injured without knowing why they worked. Over time into the Middle Ages and Renaissance iconoclastic practitioners set a series of creative stages in motion. These pioneers confronted rigid religious and conservative medical authorities that supported longstanding ineffective medical theories. The discoveries of these pathfinders took medicine to a higher level. With the dawn of the scientific era to the new millennium medical knowledge exploded to become the powerhouse it is today.This monograph provides a thoughtful explanation on how past generations of medical revolutionaries vanquished long-standing hurdles to discover new ideas. To truly appreciate modern medicine it is vital to comprehend how far humans have progressed from that day 40,000 years ago when an unknown cave dweller for the first time fixed a broken leg to the 21st century millennial who has just received a personal genetic profile in the mail.
  • Dark Side of Sunset Pointe: A Lance Underphal Mystery

    Michael Allan Scott

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Nov. 26, 2013)
    If hard-boiled characters like Harry Bosch, Lee Marvin, and Dave Robicheaux get you going, wait until you meet Lance Underphal and crew.Hard to read. Harder to put down. This one is a handful. A damaged police consultant, Lance sees murders before they happen. It's a curse and only his dead wife can save him.Featured on NBC's Daytime Show, this Lance Underphal Mystery is the first in a new breed of mysteries and thrillers. Dark, different, and based on real-life events, this genre-bending murder mystery will keep you up nights guessing.Looking for a new spin on a venerable old story? This gritty novel will grab you by the eyeballs and won't let go. Give yourself a thrill. Take a walk on the Dark Side, tonight.
  • The Heart of the Sands, Book 3 of The Gods Within

    J. L. Doty

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Sept. 30, 2013)
    Now a Benesh'ere slave, every whiteface in the tribe hungers for Morgin's death. But he is Harriok's property, and while Harriok remains in a coma, a victim of the venom of the sand cat's sixth claw, the warriors wait and bide their time. As Morgin accompanies them on the March, an affinity for steel is slowly awakening within him, and he truly fears the truths his growing knowledge may reveal.Rhianne, thinking Morgin is dead, leads a lonely life as a hedge witch in a small village near the Lake of Sorrows. But as she matures, her powers grow far beyond those of a mere village healer. She now has a personal connection to the deadly talismanic sword Morgin brought onto the Mortal Plane, and as she begins to glean its true nature, she fears the fate of all mankind.As summer approaches and the heat of the sands of the Munjarro grows unbearable, the Benesh'ere are in the midst of their annual migration to the Lake of Sorrows. During the two days it takes to cross the Plains of Quam, their column is repeatedly attacked by companies of Kulls, a game of sport for the halfmen. Morgin fights beside the Benesh'ere to protect the column, and he reluctantly develops empathy for the whitefaces and their way of life.Morgin knows he must overcome Jerst and Blesset's hatred of him, and he regrets the heated words he threw at them shortly before the battle at Csairne Glen. But his only recourse may be to fight them in individual, mortal combat. And as he tries to find a resolution to that situation, he has no idea that he must again face Salula.For thrice and thrice must a blade be born.
  • The Way of The Cross With St. John The Apostle

    Msgr Eric R. Barr S.T.L.

    Paperback (Telemachus Press, LLC, Jan. 30, 2019)
    Walk with Jesus; be with Jesus; speak with Jesus. No need simply to think about what Christ did for you and me. The Stations of the Cross are an ancient way to remember the events of Good Friday as Jesus suffered for us all. The Way of the Cross with St. John the Apostle looks at this extraordinary event from the view of Jesusā€™ best friend and the youngest apostle. John supports the Blessed Virgin Mary as they watch the hope of the world give his life for the people. A modern look at a two-thousand-year-old reality, these Stations of the Cross will help us pray the Passion of Christ and carry the Cross with him. The text is by author, Msgr. Eric Barr and is richly illustrated with woodcuts by noted artist, Sr. Mary Grace Thul, O.P.
  • The Way of The Cross With St. John The Apostle

    Monsignor Eric Barr

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Jan. 29, 2019)
    FOR LENT 2019Walk with Jesus; be with Jesus; speak with Jesus. No need simply to think about what Christ did for you and me. The Stations of the Cross are an ancient way to remember the events of Good Friday as Jesus suffered for us all. The Way of the Cross with St. John the Apostle looks at this extraordinary event from the view of Jesus' best friend and the youngest apostle. John supports the Blessed Virgin Mary as they watch the hope of the world give his life for the people. A modern look at a two-thousand-year-old reality, these Stations of the Cross will help us pray the Passion of Christ and carry the Cross with him. The text is by author, Msgr. Eric Barr and is richly illustrated with woodcuts by noted artist, Sr. Mary Grace Thul, O.P.
  • Medicine From Cave Dwellers to Millennials

    Jonathan L. Stolz MD

    Paperback (Telemachus Press, LLC, July 31, 2018)
    Medicine and disease has preoccupied man from the age of the cave dweller to the present day millennial generation. In all cultures and eras populations have sought the means to preserve health and restore it when absent. How physicians and scientists throughout history have traveled the long circuitous journey to comprehend the mysteries of the human body, origins of disease and treat the ill is the subject of this book. Written for todayā€™s patients and medical professionals, the fast-paced narrative delivers compelling insight into older medical practices and gives the reader an appreciation of how medicine has developed through the centuries to the present. In the prehistoric era and ancient civilizations the imagination of early healthcare providers was frequently innovative. They produced a variety of treatments to help the ill and injured without knowing why they worked. Over time into the Middle Ages and Renaissance iconoclastic practitioners set a series of creative stages in motion. These pioneers confronted rigid religious and conservative medical authorities that supported longstanding ineffective medical theories. The discoveries of these pathfinders took medicine to a higher level. With the dawn of the scientific era to the new millennium medical knowledge exploded to become the powerhouse it is today. This monograph provides a thoughtful explanation on how past generations of medical revolutionaries vanquished long-standing hurdles to discover new ideas. To truly appreciate modern medicine it is vital to comprehend how far humans have progressed from that day 40,000 years ago when an unknown cave dweller for the first time fixed a broken leg to the 21st century millennial who has just received a personal genetic profile in the mail.
  • When Dead Ainā€™t Dead Enough, Book 1 of The Dead Among Us

    J. L. Doty

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, May 14, 2012)
    Praise for When Dead Ain't Dead Enough :"I loved the humor and the emotions from each of the charactersā€¦a fast paced action filled story line" ā€”A.C."Another cracking read from Mr Dotyā€¦great characterization and plotā€¦cant wait for the next installmentā€¦buy this man's work you won't be disappointed."ā€”D.G. Paul knows wizards, witches, demons and ghosts don't really exist.Except in fantasy books.He's sharing his San Francisco apartment with the ghosts of his dead wife and daughter. But of course they're really just hallucinations, and Paul has concluded that he's just plain nuts.Boy, does he have a thing or two to learn.Can he escape the Primus Caste demon from the Netherworld that covets his soul? And what of the Secundus Caste that wants to enslave him?He's going to have to take a crash course in killing big, bad hoodoo demons, or lose his soul for all eternity.A can't-put-it-down read. Pick it up today!
  • Traveling for Love: Searching for Self, Hoping for Love

    Becky Due

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Jan. 6, 2014)
    When her husband tells her, he wants a divorce, Amanda realizes she no longer knows who she is - her life revolved around her husband. At forty, she finds herself divorced, childless, living in an apartment with a roommate, with little education and no career path. Amanda starts dating, finds employment as a travel agent, and begins the search of finding herself and - with a little luck - the right man.
  • Donā€™t Be That KID! At School

    Lois McGuire, Jorge Pacheco

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Sept. 30, 2016)
    Iā€™m an old goat now,But just like you,I was once a young goat too.Listen to my story,Of the ā€œbaaadā€ things I did,Learn a lesson from themAnd ā€¦DONā€™T BE THAT KID!So begins a delightful story of what might be a typical day at school. Typical? Not quite! Each scene unfolds as our KID misbehaves on the bus, in class, in art, in music, in gym, at recess. Even at lunch! Does he learn his lesson? You have to read the book to find out!We can learn great life lessons from reading Donā€™t Be That KID! At School. Each scene provides an opportunity to discuss character building values, such as honesty, kindness, consideration, responsibility, respect, including others, solving problems, making good choices, completing tasks, and being positive.The Donā€™t Be That KID! At School Resource Guide accompanies the book but can be used independently. It is filled with meaningful activities for children in grades K ā€“ 5 for teachers and parents to use that reinforce proper behavior and character education principles.
  • Pitiless: An Isaac Black Missing Persons Investigation

    John C. Berry

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Nov. 28, 2016)
    In the thrilling second installment of the Isaac Black Missing Persons Investigations, Black finds himself confronted with the possibility that a sex ring is forcing teen girls into the trade. Isaac Black is a detective driven as much by his own inner demons as by his personal mission to restore the missing to their loved ones. Black lives in a world of in-betweens: a drunk who doesnā€™t drink, half African-American and half Caucasian, a former Homicide detective now in Missing Persons. Detectives whoā€™ve worked with him the longest find that they can walk all the way around Isaac Black, but they can rarely get inside. This novel is an unflinching exploration into the darker side of humanity, but with a halo of light as an unyielding detective remains true to his instincts and a young woman fights like hell to keep her dignity.Find out why readers say:ļ®- ā€œIsaac Black is a soul tortured detective who really cares.ā€ļ®- ā€œDonā€™t we all have a little Isaac Black in our souls? His struggles reflect our ownā€ļ®- John Charles Berryā€™s books are ā€œhard to put down,ā€ ā€œriveting read!ā€ and ā€œmust readā€