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Books published by publisher Scholastic Book Club Softcover Book and Audio CD

  • The Easter Bunny Is Missing! Book and Audio CD Set

    Steve Metzger, Barbara Spurll, Bill Lobley

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2006)
    It's the day before the big Easter party and the Easter Bunny is nowhere to be found! Can the animals of Blueberry Meadow save Easter? Join the adventure and find out!
  • Here Comes T. Rex Cottontail Book and Audio CD Set

    Lois G. Grambling, Jack E. Davis, Chris Phillips

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2008)
    Peter Cottontail (aka the Easter Bunny) is sick with a cold, and he has asked his pal, the friendly though massive dinosaur from T. Rex Trick-or-Treats, to step in for him. Although willing, T. Rex is not a natural for the role, and he doesn't get much support from his friends Diplodocus, Stegosaurus, and Iguanodon. However, they come to his rescue, tracking down eggs from Duck, Goose, and Turkey, and even one from Screech Owl, to replace those that went kersplat during his shell-shattering attempt at hopping. It is not until after all the deliveries are made that they begin to crack open, and dozens of tiny ducks started quacking! And dozens of tiny geese started honking! And dozens of tiny turkeys started gobbling! ... And one tiny screech owl started screeching!, making it the best, although noisiest, Easter ever. Although this story is slight, T. Rex displays an admirable generosity of spirit that nearly matches his great size. The wacky cartoonlike illustrations pair perfectly with this silly text, and youngsters will enjoy both the language and the pictures.
  • Cock-a-doodle-hooooooo! Book and Audio CD Set

    Mick Manning, Brita Granstrom, Marc Thompson

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2008)
    Can an owl find happiness in a henhouse? The answer is yes, at least in this farmyard. Desperately in need of a home, he takes refuge in a shed one stormy night and learns at daybreak that the hens who live there are in need of a rooster. He doesn't have the necessary qualifications, and, with one notable exception, no one considers him a candidate -- until he uses a skill for which he is well recognized against an intruding rat. The bird's unique ability wins over his critics, and his future appears to be happily settled. Children will enjoy the humorous simplicity of the story and the colorful, cartoonlike illustrations. Those who are able to read it on their own will take additional pleasure from the speech bubbles. Owl's wide-eyed expressions and juxtaposition to the hens are sure to capture the attention of the intended audience. Libraries looking for a new read-aloud for a farm-themed storyhour will want to consider letting Owl roost on their shelves.
  • Fiesta Fiasco Book and Audio CD Set

    Ann Whitford Paul, Ethan Long, Oliver Wyman

    Audio CD (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2008)
    The four friends from Mañana, Iguana -- Conejo (a rabbit), Iguana, Culebra (a snake), and Tortuga (a tortoise) -- return for another adventure, this time to celebrate Culebra's birthday. Conejo convinces his pals to buy gifts according to his own taste, and not according to what their friend might like. Poor Tortuga ends up buying a shirt, Iguana gets a sombrero, and Conejo chooses a pair of pants. Conejo puts on each item as the snake explains that he can't use the clothes and the three friends finally figure out what the rabbit has done. They send him off without playing any party games like Pin the Tale on the Coyote and Musical Rocks. Conejo makes amends by returning with the gifts that Culebra really would like and the four reconcile. The text is peppered with Spanish words defined in a glossary in the front of the book. A fiery palette enlivens the simple cartoon artwork set in the desert. The scenes are fun to look at, such as the cacti sporting balloons as fiesta decorations and the boom box belting tunes. A welcome addition to most libraries.
  • Big Smelly Bear Book and Audio CD Set

    Britta Teckentrup, Skip Hinnant

    Audio CD (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2008)
    Teckentrup's determinedly dirty and deliciously rendered hero looks a lot like a mucky soccer field to which paws, ears, and a snout have been added. His name is no exaggeration -- he smells so bad that flies "were the only ones that ever came close." What finally gets him to come clean? A bad itch he can't reach and a cutie named Big Fluffy Bear, who offers to scratch his back if he'll take a bath first (she makes this offer while perched in a tree, safely out of range of the stink). The two bears quibble and Big Smelly Bear acquiesces grumpily (the interplay will undoubtedly remind some readers of exchanges between parent and child) but it's clearly the beginning of a beautiful friendship. While its subject matter is grubby, this is one handsome book. Teckentrup creates strikingly graphic spreads from simple, large-scale shapes and expressionistic overlays of texture and color. The combination of the blunt text and bold pictures might even help cajole reluctant bathers to get their feet wet.
  • Mr. Bear to the Rescue Book and Audiocassette Tape Set

    Debi Gliori, John Gabriel

    Audio Cassette (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audiocassette Tape, Jan. 1, 2001)
    When a fierce storm destroys the tree that housed the Rabbit-Bunn, Hoot-Toowit, and Buzz families, Mr. Bear packs his trusty baby buggy full of tools and heads out to the rescue. Though most of his efforts to put things right are more valiant than effective, his heart is clearly in the right place, and with a little luck, he gets everyone back to his house safely. Once the storm passes, Mrs. Bear works her magic, mending hive and nest. Love of family and friends is evident in both the text and the illustrations, and the happily-ever-after factor is strong. With all the natural disasters in the world, the fire and earthquake drills, and the tornado and hurricane watches, this reassuring book could be just the thing to encourage discussion or to comfort nervous youngsters. Gliori's watercolor cartoons are a delightful blend of warmth, color, humor, and detail. The double-page spreads of Mr. Bear trudging uphill against the driving rain are very effective as is the depiction of his cozy home and the intricate bark on the trees. Though some may find the family names cutesy, the text has a simplicity and directness sure to appeal to the audience for whom this book was carefully crafted. A genuine, warm-and-fuzzy read.
  • How Do I Love You? Book and Audio CD Set

    Leslie Kimmelman, Lisa McCue, Kathleen McInerney

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2007)
    The crocodile that responds to the title question counts more than twenty ways and reasons for loving its child. Through all seasons and numerous shared activities, the parent enumerates how love stretches from the child's chocolate cheeks to muddy feet. Whether romping through waves or counting stars, the large and small crocodiles obviously enjoy one another's company. The perky reptiles exude plenty of personality, and the bouncy rhymes are reinforced by McCue's brightly colored illustrations. The page layouts, including effective spreads, facilitate group sharing. Because the numbers relate to concepts, not objects, the book doesn't offer much counting practice. However, the overriding theme of parental delight and unconditional love shines through the pages, making the book a solid choice for most collections.
  • Fun Dog, Sun Dog Book and Audio CD Set

    Deborah Heiligman, Tim Bowers, Skip Hinnant

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, July 6, 2007)
    A sandy, dandy, golden retriever named Tinka and the boy who owns her spend a day at the beach. The charm of the simple scenario is heightened by short, snappy rhymes and comical acrylic illustrations that energize the fun in the sun. Tinka and her boy slide side by side, play Frisbee, and have a tug-o-war over candy bars and a teddy bear. When Tinka grabs the suntan lotion, she's an "icky-sticky-licky" dog; on the way home, she's a "sprayed-by-a-skunk" dog; after a tomato juice bath, she's a "climb-up-in-a-lap" dog. The rhyme, which is never tiresome, may spark some rhyming take-off exercises at home or in a classroom. From the enticing cover showing Tinka sporting "shades" to the dog's always amusing facial expressions, kids will relish this clever, sharing and caring story.
  • The Nutty Nut Chase Book and Audio CD Set

    Kathryn White, Vanessa Cabban, Rick Adamson

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, )
    When a nut suddenly juts out of a hole in the ground, two squirrels make such a racket arguing over which one should get to eat it that they disturb all the other animals in the area. Badger decrees that a race will decide the winner, but before the event is completed, the nut disappears. It abruptly protrudes from the ground a bit farther away, then vanishes and emerges again. All this appearing and disappearing has the group baffled and considering the possibility of "magic," until the squirrels combine efforts and pull it out of the hole. What they discover is a nutshell and a mole that was despairing of ever ridding himself of the bothersome thing stuck on his head. Everyone is dejected to find that the shell is empty, but Mole is so grateful that he shares his store with the others. Spreads in soft watercolors of browns, greens, and blues feature a community of endearing critters. An entertaining romp.
  • Snowy's Special Secret Book and Audio CD Set

    Guido van Genechten, Stephanie D'Abruzzo

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2007)
    Snowy wants to show his mommy that he loves her more than anything else in the world. One day, Snowy thinks of a terrific surprise for her. However, he has trouble keeping his secret. Mommy keeps a close eye on Snowy, so he has to sneak away to work on the surprise. Finally, the secret is ready to be shared ... and Mommy loves it! Snowy and Mommy share a special bond in this wonderful snow-covered, star-filled world.
  • Guess How Much I Love You Book and Audiocassette Tape Set

    Sam McBratney, Anita Jeram, George S. Irving

    Audio Cassette (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audiocassette Tape, March 15, 1996)
    Fresh as a fiddlehead fern in spring, this beguiling bedtime tale features a pip of a young rabbit and his indulgent parent. Searching for words to tell his dad how much he loves him (and to put off bedtime just an eentsy bit longer), Little Nutbrown Hare comes up with one example after another ("I love you as high as I can hop!"), only to have Big Nutbrown Hare continually up the ante. Finally, on the edge of sleep, he comes up with a showstopper: "I love you right up to the moon." (Dad does top this declaration too, but only after his little bunny falls asleep.) Effused with tenderness, McBratney's wise, endearing and droll story is enriched by the near-monochromatic backdrop of Jeram's pen-and-wash artwork, rendered earthy tones of moss, soft brown, and gray for a visually quieting effect just right for that last soothing tale before sleep.
  • Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones Book and Audio CD Set

    Claire Feedman, Tina Macnaughton, Rosanne Colosi

    Accessory (Scholastic Book Clubs Softcover Book and Audio CD, March 15, 2005)
    As evening settles over the jungle, baby animals stop their play and settle down for the night, snuggling close to their parents. Soft, full-spread illustrations in pastels capture the warmth and coziness of the families as night draws near. The gentle tone and rhyming couplets make this a good choice for toddler storytimes and bedtime reading aloud.