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Books published by publisher Northern Starlight Young Adult Press

  • Emily’s Boyfriend: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance

    Gabby Stone

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 15, 2016)
    What in the world is going on with me? Lots of young women ask themselves that, but few have as many reasons as Emily. She’s still reeling from the sight of Jared’s apparent affair. There are still Death Stalkers at every turn. She still has to deal with the growing transformation within her. Perhaps worst of all, she’s confused by her feelings for the mortal who tried to help her. Now how does that work? He tried to save her from a werewolf but Jared saved him. So which one is she supposed to love? Jared has troubles of his own as well. How can he finish his quest without Emily, and why is his body betraying him at every turn?EMILY’S BOYFRIEND is the eighth chapter of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press and continues the story of Emily and Jared that began in the collection of stories JARED’S QUEST and with the stories EMILY’S TORMENT and EMILY’S PATIENT. It’s volume three of book two, EMILY’S BATTLES. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.Here is a preview:Jared shook his head. The man’s condescending speech had been an attempt to regain his masculinity. The three of them stood in silence. Finally, Jared said, “I hope everything works out for you two.” God, it sounded lame, but Jared turned away, his cheeks hot with embarrassment and hoped they were too wrapped up in their situation to pay any more attention to him. The heat in his cheeks grew stronger and Jared paused. Perhaps he’d never been this embarrassed. God, he had to be blushing beet red. He took in a deep breath. His cheeks were on fire, like he had some kind of fever. It didn’t make sense. Sure, he felt a little ashamed, but why was his body reacting this way. His stomach felt strange, and why was the sidewalk undulating like some kind of snake? Why had things suddenly become blurry? Why were things spinning? Why was Heran running toward him? Why was there blackness in the edges of his vision?“Jared! Jared!” That was funny. Heran looked like he was shouting, but the words sounded soft, like he was shouting from two streets away. Ah! The couple was back. They both looked at him strangely, like something was wrong. What were they so worried about. They looked silly. So did Heanarad. Herralann. What was his name again? Heran. Jerad thought Heran looked silly, too. He was shimmering. How was he doing that? Now, he was reaching for Jared with arms that looked like octopus tentacles. No. No. He was disappearing. Why was he disappearing. Wait. Everything was disappearing. Everything was becoming black. Dark. Quiet. Dark…and…
  • Safe Together: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance

    Gabby Stone

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 18, 2016)
    After the horror of her first transformation, she finally has the courage to have a real conversation with Jared, and things seem to be on the mend. In fact, she’s beginning to have some real hope that they may have a future after all. Can she do it? Can she win this werewolf’s heart and help him trust her enough to be with her forever? Can they finish the quest? Will he still want her when she’s fully human? Will he be able to trust himself to keep control and keep her safe? All of these thoughts fill her mind, but she’s got other problems. At the train station, she catches a glimpse of a familiar face, and she’s pretty sure it’s the Death Stalker that’s after them.SAFE TOGETHER is the twelfth chapter of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press and continues the story of Emily and Jared that began in the collections of stories JARED’S QUEST and EMILY’S BATTLES. It’s the second chapter of the final volume, WOLF FUTURE and follows the events of EMILY’S ANGER. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.Here is a preview:“I’m taking you for a breakfast before we go anywhere,” said Jared. He hugged Emily into him and dragged her into a nearby café. “I want to sit outside,” she said.“Your wish is my command my lady,” he smiled.The café had a large queue that snaked past the bakery counter. The smell of freshly baked pastries filled the air and the sound of the coffee machines buzzed in the background. Emily sniffed in deeply through her nose and her mind became aroused with the burnt aroma from the coffee beans.“Oh I love the smell of fresh coffee,” she said. “I still drink tea though,” she giggled.They eventually got to the front of the queue, their tray was filled with freshly baked pastries and a ceramic pot filled with hot tea. They made their way out onto the pavement, and the sun was warm and comforting.“Seriously Jared. What’s happening between us?” she said.“I don’t know,” he replied.“What is it you are afraid of?” she said.“Buggering up your life, Emily,” he replied. “If we got together, I’m still going to be what I am. I’m still going to be a beast and that will never change. You have your life in front of you, Emily, and you’re going to become a very famous artist.”She smiled.“I will wait for you Jared. I will wait until you realise it’s okay to be in a relationship again. I know that you’re afraid of being hurt,” she said.Jared sipped on his tea and stared into her serious eyes. Some of what she said was true, but all he had on his mind was the serum. He could not possibly think about anything else, until that matter was well and truly closed.
  • For All Eternity: A Young Adult Vampire Romance

    Alice Marcs

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 18, 2016)
    Lillian listened as discovered how Corbin became a vampire. She also discovered there was another woman before her named Marie. After Corbin had exchanged blood with her, Marie overpowered him and became too dark and evil. But Lillian never found out what happened to her. She knows she is still alive because Corbin did mention that she might be in contact with Brandon. And now that Corbin has revealed his master plan to her, will she make the ultimate exchange, and be bonded to Corbin for all eternity? Corbin warns her that she will feel pain like she has never felt before both has a mortal and immortal. Was Lillian ready to begin a new life with Corbin? Could she submit to him till the end of time?FOR ALL ETERNITY is the sixth story in the exciting new series LILLIAN THE VAMPIRE. It continues the story of Lillian and Brandon that began with: A BLESSED CURSE, A THIRST FOR BLOOD, MEANT TO BE and ASHES TO ASHES and DAGAN AND DAMIEN. Can a young girl desperate to find her place in world survive a real and new change? Can she actually focus on starting a new life by looking to the past? Can she find love where others find darkness?Here is a preview: They looked like the picture perfect couple of the immortal world if there ever was one. Once they were both completely dressed Lillian began to make her way downstairs as the usual fashion to join the club patrons but Corbin stopped her. Lillian looked at him with a puzzled look and he just smiled. “Now my love, tonight is the night when you and I exchange blood. After you drink from me, you will find the urge to feed will become less and less. You really won’t have to feed unless you choose to. My blood is the most powerful and most ancient, and your powers will become even more than you could ever imagine. I have only done this type of exchange once before, and she turned into something dark and evil, her name was Marie. Still to this day no one has laid eyes on her nor have I heard from her, but that is a story for another time. I will warn you now, this will hurt, my blood will make you feel as if you are on fire, but rest assured you will not burn” Corbin pulled Lillian into his embrace. Lillian knew she should be afraid to receive a gift such as this from one so powerful.
  • A Thirst for Blood: A Young Adult Vampire Romance

    Alice Marcs

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    Everything is more profound and intense, for Lillian, than before. She is amazed on how well she can hear and see things as a vampire. But not only that, she now has an overwhelming thirst for blood. Why did her first victim have to be a child? Brandon informs Lillian that she must control her thirst or it could lead to her death. Lillian also wonders if she could live with the fact that she is going to be taking a human life away. Later, Brandon takes her to meet the other vampires. Lillian became so mesmerized by their beauty that she could not fight back the desire to touch each and every one of their faces. But did she almost make the biggest mistake that could have banished her from the vampire world forever? A THIRST FOR BLOOD is the second story in the exciting new series LILLIAN THE VAMPIRE. It continues the story of Lillian and Brandon that began with, A BLESSED CURSE. Can a young girl desperate to find her place in world survive a real and new change? Can she actually focus on starting a new life by looking to the past? Can she find love where others find darkness?Here is a preview: Brandon watched as she looked at and touched everything. He knew that she could get lost in an object if she stared at it too long, just as all fledglings can and have done in the past. “Lillian, you can’t get so caught up in all of this stuff. If you stare too long you will get so captivated that you will stare until the sun comes up. I have seen it many times. The only thing that you need to focus on is the hunger that is building inside of you. I can sense it, Lillian look at me.”“Brandon, everything is alive! I can hear the entire world talking to me! I can’t ignore them!”“Lillian you have too. Look at me. Time for you to feed and after you feed we can go back to the club. Just wait until you hear the music!”“What is the smell? It smells like...”“That is blood, my sweet. On nights like this people come out here on every full moon. They think that they summon demons and crap like that. They never do, but they do get us! You and I will feed and then you will meet the others when we go back to the club.”“There are others?”
  • Meant to Be: A Young Adult Vampire Romance

    Alice Marcs

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    Brandon can’t believe his eyes. Lillian possesses powers that no other vampire has, no other vampire then Corbin, that is. Brandon knew that once Corbin found out about Lillian, he would want to keep her for himself. But there was no way of hiding it. Corbin was already in his thoughts. He gave Brandon a choice; either to let her go into his care or to be crushed into powder. All Brandon could think about was waking up next to her that morning. And he knew that night they had spent together, in his crypt, would be his last. Does Brandon let Lillian go completely, or does he risk being destroyed forever? MEANT TO BE is the third story in the exciting new series LILLIAN THE VAMPIRE. It continues the story of Lillian and Brandon that began with: A BLESSED CURSE, and A THIRST FOR BLOOD. Can a young girl desperate to find her place in world survive a real and new change? Can she actually focus on starting a new life by looking to the past? Can she find love where others find darkness?Here is a preview: Brandon just looked at her and after a few moments he let her go. He knew she was right and hated the fact that her senses were stronger than his. He knew he had to regain his composure and make sure that she didn’t mess anything up. She had only hunted once before but she followed his instructions to a tee. He watched as Lillian closed her eyes and soon two young runaway females walked out into the open. It was as if they were being called out, and he knew it was Lillian. He had never known of a fledgling that had those strong of powers so quick! This could be a very bad thing in the long run he thought, but only time would tell. He watched as the two young girls were now standing in front of Lillian, and as if she spoke, one of the girls nodded her head and got to her knees. Brandon could not believe what he was seeing! She could sense her prey, locate and draw them out as well as instruct them to do her bidding. This was amazing and frightening at the same time. He knew of only one other immortal who had this power and that was Corbin. Brandon knew that if Corbin found out he may keep her to himself or even destroy her. Lillian slowly turned her head and the way the moonlight kissed her cheek and the way she now stared at him set his mind as ease. Lillian beckoned for him to come to her side and feed upon the young girl that was on her knees.
  • Jared’s Quest: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance

    Gabby Stone

    language (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 16, 2016)
    Jared’s Quest is the first volume of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.This bundle contains the following stories:1. Meeting the Werewolf: A Young Adult Paranormal Romance StoryEmily can’t believe the overwhelming and impossible attraction she feels for the strange boy she met at the Asian Restaurant. It’s not like any of the crushes she’s had in the past. There’s a connection, and it happened with just one look! There’s far more to this boy than meets the eye, but she has no idea what it is! Why is she so desperate to know him? What secrets lie beneath the pools of his dark and beautiful eyes?2. The Ancient Books: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance StoryEmily and Jared have dated a few times now, and Emily can’t imagine life without him. The only problem is he’s distant and even though she knows he wants her as much as she wants him, and she’s determined to make it work. She’s still determined after she learns the terrible secret that brings the pain she’s seen lurking behind his beautiful eyes. Jared thinks it’s hopeless, but she’s willing to do anything she can to help him conquer the beast within him.3. Breaking Free: A Young Adult Paranormal Romance StoryWith a potential cure in sight, Jared seeks permission from his pack to seek the serum that will free him from the curse of the wolf. It won’t be an easy quest, and he’s certain to face opposition at every turn. It’s worth it to him if it lets him spend his life with Emily, though. What’s he do, however, if Emily becomes a target of his enemies? What good is becoming human if he ends up alone and not only loses Emily but becomes responsible for her destruction?4. Transformed in London: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance StoryJared and Emily have a new problem. Their quest isn’t what it was anymore because now Emily has a brand new problem of her own. The young werewolf with his human girlfriend faces not only the desperate need to fight the monster within himself but also to keep his young and beautiful girl from losing her own humanity. What else could go wrong? Isn’t a quest that nobody has ever survived before hard enough to handle? What else could possibly be heaped onto an already impossible situation?5. The Tracks: A Young Adult Werewolf RomanceHe loves her, and he knows it. Still, Jared can’t contemplate a life with Emily drawn into the vicious world of werewolves. His quest has changed from one to give himself a normal life to one for Emily, to ensure she lives a life free of the curse. Emily’s not cooperating, though! She wants a life with Jared whether he wants it or not! What is he supposed to do? Can’t she see he’s trying to protect her? Damn his wolf blood!
  • Kelly’s Captor: A Young Adult Horror Story

    Maggie Martin

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 16, 2016)
    Kelly wakes to find herself in the home of a boy from school. It doesn’t make any sense. He doesn’t seem like a pervert or a crazy. In fact, he makes an incredible meal for her, and when he holds her, she feels something she hasn’t felt for as long as she could remember…she feels safe. All of it ends, though, when her brother arrives to rescue her, but how can being taken from the arms of Kale and returned to the called home be a rescue?Kelly’s Captor is the second story in the Kelly’s Freedom series from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, which tells the story of a teen girl’s escape from a life of pure hell. It continues the story started in Kelly Kidnapped. It contains mature situations and mature language and is intended for mature teens. Parents should read this ebook to determine if the subject matter is appropriate for children in their care. Here is a preview:"Look, Carson. I can take care of my own damn self. Let me make this very clear; leave me alone!”"What the ***, KELLY! You can't lock me out of your life forever!"I glared him down, feeling like my eyes could make him scared. "Watch me."I wasn't expecting it to happen, but Carson reached out a hand and smacked my face.Tears immediately welled in my eyes. "You're just like mom!" I screamed"Wait! I'm so sor-"I mustered all the hate I could into the next three words."I hate you and I always will."I jumped out of the car and slammed the hideous red door as hard as I possibly could.I stood there on the street, tears streaming down my face.Carson hit the wheel and then rested his head on it. I watched as the car roared and pulled away. I looked around. I was only a few blocks away from home, and I started walking slowly down the street. Who the heck was Kade and why had he grabbed me? What kind of sick pervert was he, or more to the point—what kind of a sick pervert was I because even though I trudged toward my own house I desperately wanted to be back at his?When I get home, I heard a smashed bottle and cursing. Just great, my mom was drunk. What a surprise. I realized I had nowhere else to go, so I had to go inside and hope I could make it to my room without seeing her. I opened the door as quietly as I could. Mom was in the bathroom puking, so I hurried toward my room. I was so damned close, but no cigar for me. "Kelly!" Her voice was slurred.
  • Kelly’s Confusion: A Young Adult Horror Story

    Maggie Martin

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    Kelly doesn’t know what to do. Everything is spiraling out of control. Why is everything so confusing. Why does she have feelings for the boy who kidnapped her? Why does her mother get drunk every night? Why is it that there are only small snatches of time when she feels any sense of piece, sense of control, and sense of worth? And why does each of those snatches of time involve running her razor over her skin and drawing blood?Kelly’s Confusion is the second story in the Kelly’s Freedom series from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, which tells the story of a teen girl’s escape from a life of pure hell. It continues the story started in Kelly Kidnapped, Kelly’s Captor, and Kelly’s Cuts. It contains mature situations and mature language and is intended for mature teens. Parents should read this ebook to determine if the subject matter is appropriate for children in their care. Here is a preview:“Like what, babe?” Babe? Did he just call me babe? Like I was his “girl” or something? What the hell? Kale's face held genuine concern. One look into his deep ivy eyes and my heart melted. “Like personal issues. Self-harm and such...”I immediately regretted it as soon as I said it. Shit... Kale's eyes grew wide. “Like...cutting?” That word was like a slice to the heart. “No!” I denied. I was a liar. He rolled up my sleeves, revealing old scars, scabs and fresh cuts. “What the fuck?” I screamed, my voice full of rage. How could he do that?! What made him think he could reveal my secrets to the world. I knew I was exaggerating, but it was so frustrating! Like I hadn't tried hard enough to keep my secret... He scowled at me. “How could you do this to yourself?” he shouted.I couldn't bear to look at his angry eyes so I turned around. “You don't know my life...” He pulled me in to him, even though my back was facing him. His overwhelming delicious scent filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeply. “What the hell, Kelly,” he whispered. His breath tickled my neck. His mouth came to just below my ears when he bent over. A shiver went down my spine. Now it was my turn to receive a damp spot on my shirt. “Kale,” I whispered. My voice was hoarse. “Are you... Crying?”
  • Kelly’s Conclusions: A Young Adult Horror Story

    Maggie Martin

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 16, 2016)
    Why is everything crashing down around Kelly? She just wants a normal life, some small bit of peace and happiness. She wants to be able to find peace without having to cut it out of her arms and legs with her straight razor, the only thing that feels stable. Things come to a head, though, because Kelly isn’t the only one in her family with a problem. How can she hope to deal with Carson’s issues when she can’t even deal with her own? This bittersweet conclusion to the Kelly’s Freedom series will leave you breathless.Kelly’s Conclusion is the final story in the Kelly’s Freedom series from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, which tells the story of a teen girl’s escape from a life of pure hell. It continues the story started in Kelly Kidnapped, Kelly’s Captor, Kelly’s Cuts, and Kelly’s Confusion. It contains mature situations and mature language and is intended for mature teens. Parents should read this ebook to determine if the subject matter is appropriate for children in their care. Here is a preview:I slowly found my way to my feet. A nurse with dark skin and a red wig said “This way, please.” At the end of a long hallway with many doors, the nurse opened the door. Carson was laying in a bed with tubes up his nose and things that looked like suction cups stuck to his head and arms. “CARSON!” I screamed. He slowly opened his bloodshot eyes. “Hey, Kelly.” he breathed heavily. “What… What happened Carse?” my eyes were once again clouded with tears. “O.D...” He breathed out in something more like a wheeze than a word. What? He overdosed? “Carson, you were doing drugs?” A small smile curled from his mouth. “Yeah...” he choked out. “But why, Carse?” a hot tear rolled down my cheek. “I thought you hated me. It eased the pain. I was doing it before then, though. Whenever I was with Ella, we were doing drugs. It was horrible. And then, well, I just…I just didn't want you hanging out with those thugs. That's why I flipped when I saw you with that Jace kid.” He wiped under my eyes where my makeup had obviously smeared. “You are so beautiful, Kelly.” I had been so oblivious to everything going on.I thought my life was horrible, but I was making everyone around me hurt.
  • Emily’s Patient: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance

    Gabby Stone

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    It’s dark time for the young werewolf Jared and the girl he loves. Through deception, the Death Stalkers have convinced Emily that Jared has had an affair with his old girlfriend Ruby, and now, they’re both alone in Paris. For Emily, the quest has all but been forgotten in her pain and her anger, and to add to the confusion, she finds herself at the hospital room with the normal human who tried to protect her from a werewolf. Finlay has no idea what really happened, but Emily doesn’t mind. He’s so kind and so beautiful, and maybe it’s time she stopped trying to win Jared. After all, didn’t he just betray her?EMILY’S PATIENT is the seventh chapter of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press and continues the story of Emily and Jared that began in the collection of stories JARED’S QUEST and in EMILY’S TORMENT. It’s volume two of book two, EMILY’S BATTLES. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.Here is a preview:Jared walked into the villa. He winced. He knew Ruby was there, he could smell her.“Well, what a great job you did on me this morning,” he said. He tried to make himself sound angry and strong, but he wasn’t sure how successful he was being. “I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour from you, Ruby, or from anyone else. I want you all to stay the hell out of my life.”He was now feeling quite weak. The adrenalin had fused through him earlier, enabling him to fight. Now, he was still feeling the after effects of the drugs Ruby had slipped him. His headache was banging around in his head like a marching band playing at full volume right into his ear. Ruby came out of the bedroom, and she threw him some jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt. “I’m sorry about earlier,” she said. “I miss you Jared. We used to have so much fun and I know you loved me.” He couldn’t tell if she was being sincere or not. He hated that he couldn’t tell.“After what happened, Ruby I—” He stopped talking abruptly. He didn’t have to explain things to her. Ruby had lost that right. Still, why did he feel like he owed her an explanation? He didn’t owe her anything. So why was it so hard to just let it go?Jared did not want to continue, did not want to cover old ground. He wanted to keep those memories at bay. Ruby knelt before him, and he was astounded to see she had tears in her eyes. Her perfume wafted into his nose, memories of what used to be. A single tear travelled down her cheek.“I love you Jared. I still love you,” she whispered.
  • Transformed in London: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance Story

    Gabby Stone

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    Jared and Emily have a new problem. Their quest isn’t what it was anymore because now Emily has a brand new problem of her own. The young werewolf with his human girlfriend faces not only the desperate need to fight the monster within himself but also to keep his young and beautiful girl from losing her own humanity. What else could go wrong? Isn’t a quest that nobody has ever survived before hard enough to handle? What else could possibly be heaped onto an already impossible situation?TRANSFORMED IN LONDON is the fourth chapter of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press and continues the story of Emily and Jared that began in MEETING THE WEREWOLF, ANCIENT BOOKS, and BREAKING FREE. It’s volume four of book one, JARED’S QUEST. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.Here is a preview:She had a puzzled look on her face. “I was attacked. There were lots of them, they growled at me. They …. I feel fine,” she said. She was acting like she was still in shock. She got up from the sofa and made her way to the window.“Emily, sit down and take it easy. I need to explain what has happened to you,” he said, his voice almost desperate.“I know what has happened to me. I can feel it inside,” she replied. She stared out of the window. “I know exactly what has happened and I feel good. I feel really good,” she said and smiled.Jared moved over to her. “I am so, so, so sorry Emily.” He took her hands and they moved to face each other.“Jared we can be together now, there is nothing to stop us,” she replied with another bright smile.“Emily, I’m going to take this journey for the serum, but it’s going to be for you. Do you understand?” He said. He moved her red curls away from her white porcelain-like skin. “This is a curse Emily, something I have been trying to contain. This is not something to celebrate. Haven’t you noticed that I also shift when I get angry? It’s not only the full moon that is my problem! Emily, I struggle every single day that I’m alive to control this. Now you’ve got this problem too and it’s all my fault.”
  • The Tracks: A Young Adult Werewolf Romance

    Gabby Stone

    (Northern Starlight Young Adult Press, July 17, 2016)
    He loves her, and he knows it. Still, Jared can’t contemplate a life with Emily drawn into the vicious world of werewolves. His quest has changed from one to give himself a normal life to one for Emily, to ensure she lives a life free of the curse. Emily’s not cooperating, though! She wants a life with Jared whether he wants it or not! What is he supposed to do? Can’t she see he’s trying to protect her? Damn his wolf blood!THE TRACKS is the fifth chapter of the exciting new series EMILY AND THE WOLF from Northern Starlight Young Adult Press and continues the story of Emily and Jared that began in MEETING THE WEREWOLF, ANCIENT BOOKS, BREAKING FREE, and TRANSFORMED IN LONDON. It’s volume five of book one, JARED’S QUEST. Can an average teen girl help a young werewolf gain control of the demon within him? And if he can’t keep his animal under control, how can either of them be safe? And why are there so many strange things happening that make Emily think plenty of people would rather he never got a handle on his condition? Northern Starlight Young Adult Press presents the finest in young adult fiction.Here is a preview:Emily watched him walk away and followed. Was he even aware that she was there, that she had witnessed his heroism? That she had been as fast as him. Her powers were developing now and she was not about to let him take them from her. Emily was about to speak and Jared stopped her.“Don’t say anything Emily, just give me some time to calm down,” he said.Emily grabbed his hand and led him through the train terminal. “I just want to show you something,” she said.They were stood at the foot of a huge bronze statue entitled The Meeting Place. Jared looked up, it seemed never ending it was so tall. The couple had their foreheads and noses touching in a romantic embrace and the female had her hand on the males face. The bronze carving had really brought the emotion to life. Jared stared in admiration.“This is my favourite statue; it’s a couple in love,” she said. “I used to wish that that was me up there.” She pointed to the female in the statue.