(Kendall Hunt Publishing, July 21, 2007)
A Siberian Eskimo boy and his family experience dangers and troubles that lead them to embrace the Christian religion practiced by a missionary couple living among them.
(Kendall Hunt Publishing, Aug. 28, 2006)
Quick Overview God has special plans--even for horses! Charlie was just a country horse. Hardly anyone paid attention to him. That is, until an angel told Ellen White that Charlie was the perfect horse for her.
This work is intended to be of use both as a collection of games and activities that provides an unusual resource for games sessions as well as a way of learning and teaching adventure leadership that is built around the belief that charisma and fun count more than coercion and structure. It should be of interest to those working with young people (including youth workers, teachers and social workers) as well as trainers in people-oriented organizations and businesses. This book was published in USA in 1995 by Project Adventure Inc and the Kendal/Hunt Publishing Company. It is distributed in the UK and Europe by Russell House Publishing Limited.