A Battle of Hope: Escape from the Colombian Jungle
Chanell M West
(CW Publishing Inc., Jan. 23, 2017)
Before he has gone too far, our guard turns and catches my eye, then cocks his gun. The message is clear. Hope and I continue to crush the coca leaves beneath our feet. My ankles are turning a strange orangy color, and have begun to look old and shriveled. Free momentarily from the watchful eyes of our guard, I allow myself to look towards the jungle. I study the layout of the small portion that I am able to view, which is not much. It is the first time since our capture that I have allowed myself to even think about escape. Yet, the prospect of it, now that I have entertained the idea, seems bleak. We are surrounded on all sides by thick jungle; the only road is the narrow dirt path that we were brought here by. Which direction is north, I do not know; by my best guess we are southeast of Cumaribo. Thinking of our home and our parents brings tears to my eyes. While I do not doubt that they are searching as hard as they can, I do doubt their ability, or anyone’s ability, to find us. There is no trace, no trail of where we went. Hope and I are hidden hundreds of miles from home deep in the rain forest. These thoughts drive fear into my mind, and I feel my chest constrict. Once again, the shame overtakes me as I am reminded that this is my fault. It is my fault that my sister and I may die here in the forest. Why we are still alive is a mystery to me. I do not know what our value is, or why the FARC named Angel keeps defending us. Confusion clouds my mind. I whisper a desperate prayer. “Lord, please save us. I am lost. I do not know what to do. We are never lost from you, though, Lord. Please keep us safe, and under your protection.” Standing in the middle of a vat of cocaine base, I raise my pain, my fear, and pleas up to God. I know that He is our only hope now, our only source of protection. Truly, I now know what it means to rely on the Lord completely.