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Books published by publisher E-BookTime, LLC

  • Out of the Darkness

    Larry W. Fish

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 1, 2016)
    Out of the Darkness, is the story of a student, Susan Longhorn and a bully, Jane Tyler. Susan comes to a new school. It is not long before she is being bullied by Jane Tyler, in particular and two of her friends. The bullying is relentless and continues for months. Eventually Jane does an unthinkable act against Susan that cannot be ignored. God enters the lives of Jane, her parents, Jane’s friends, and He convinces all that major decisions have to be made to change the lives of all concerned. The principal of the school doesn’t want to see Jane have a criminal record so he asks her to do something that has never been considered by him before. She reluctantly does what the principal asks and her life is changed in miraculous ways.
  • Hank

    Robert L. Morrissette

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 27, 2018)
    I will give you just a taste of what to expect inside Hank’s story book.Hank is a young mallard duck, and because of his skill at flying, he was chosen to lead his flock to their winter home. He took his appointment as Point Duck very seriously and promised his father he would do his best and would keep an eye out for trouble, such as hawks and hunters. But, despite his best of intentions, as with all of us, sometimes things can go terribly wrong. This was the case with Hank, as the following will show:“Hank led the flock in a slow circle over the lake. For a moment he thought he saw a suspicious reflection of light from down below, but when he looked again it was gone, and he thought it was probably just the sun bouncing off a wave. Out ahead of the flock as Point Duck, Hank thought he heard an unusual “click” sound. Hank was familiar with most sounds in and around lakes, but this one was different. It sounded more mechanical, more human, making him nervous. All kinds of thoughts rushed through his young mind. Hank’s forward speed, with the flock tagging close behind, now carried them over open water and that all-important touch-down point. Hank thought he saw a movement off to the left, and when he caught a whiff of that peculiar man-smoke his body began to tingle with fear. Suddenly scared as never before, fearful not only for himself, but for the flock and Hannah, he knew he had to pull the flock back up to the safety of the sky, if it were not already too late. Just as he lifted his head up and started to yell a warning, all hell broke out.”
  • Let's Talk About Thoughts

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, May 31, 2017)
    This book teaches children and youth about the world of thoughts. The reader is challenged to decide whether it is wiser for him to want God to think like him or for him to think like God. In order to think like God, he must know God’s thoughts and those are found in the Bible. Each person has the responsibility of discriminating between thoughts every moment of the day by using the Bible as the guideline for determining which are acceptable thoughts and which are not. God expects His children to think stable and diligent thoughts which lead to His life. He does not expect nor desire His children to think polluted, stupid, dark or chaotic thoughts. Activities are included at the end of most of the chapters which reinforce the information just learned. This book is excellent for homeschoolers, Christian schools, churches and individual study.
  • Let's Talk About Honor and Peer Pressure

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Jan. 21, 2016)
    This book combines two topics on honor and peer pressure. Walking in honor is a day-by-day choice. Each person must decide if he or she is going to daily choose God’s way which is the honor way. In order to walk in honor, one must understand what honor is. This book discusses topics of walking in honor such as authority, character, foolishness, vandalism, lying, and the occult. On the topic of peer pressure, children and teenagers discover exactly what peer pressure is and its consequences. They learn the importance of making the decision to refuse to bow to peer pressure and how they can turn and walk away from it. This book gives ages 10 and up a strong spiritual foundation for becoming all God wants them to be. Each chapter contains review questions at the end plus word puzzles which reinforce the information just learned.
  • Tiny, the Timeless Sparrow

    Robert L. Morrissette

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, June 12, 2019)
    After retiring as a deputy sheriff I exchanged my six-shooter for a pen, and instead of bullets I used words to begin creating fun stories. Within a few years my imagination brought forth wonderful new friends. The main characters in my stories are mostly non-human, except young Robbie. “Robbie and Matt” came first, then came “Hank,” and then came “Tiny the Timeless Sparrow.” I hope that you will have a chance to read all three stories. I think you will have fun reading the adventures of my new friends as I did creating their adventures. Tiny is a young sparrow living with his parents in a small sparrow community near the shore of the Sea of Galilee at the time of Jesus. Tiny’s father warned him not to fly high up in the night sky due to the danger of hawks. Obsessed with an idea we often throw caution to the wind. So, one night while his parents and the flock were asleep Tiny lifted up silently into the night sky. He flew higher than ever before and was almost overwhelmed by the beauty below him. Within seconds his whole life was about to be changed. But first he must survive the hawk attack.“Screaming victory, the hawk swept upward into the cold and dizzy heights, carrying Tiny with him. The pain was unbearable and he saw spots like stars dancing before his eyes. Horrified, Tiny saw the other talon stretch open and reach for his body. Glistening in the moonlight it was almost a separate and hungry monster. He twisted and lifted up with all his remaining strength, flapping his wings as he did so. There was a snapping sound and he felt his right wing tearing. He almost passed out from the pain, but his last ditch effort had worked. To his relief he found himself free, but he was now tumbling in a free fall towards the water far below.”
  • Robbie and Matt

    Robert L. Morrissette

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Nov. 7, 2018)
    Robbie is a young boy who rescued a giant sea turtle named, Matt, who had been injured by a large shark by the name of, Gore. After Matt recovers, these two head out to sea, with Robbie riding on top Matt’s very large back. The following is just one of their many experiences. From Gore’s viewpoint, if this stupid turtle was going to let his neck stick out for him to chop off, so be it. Within seconds Gore closed the distance to near nothing. Robbie nearly panicked and froze in fear, for when Gore opened his mouth wide it looked like a giant black cavern, one that he desperately did not want to enter. Within that awful cavern were rolls of very large and razor-sharp teeth, just waiting to rip into him and Matt. Even scarier than the mouth, if that were possible, were Gore’s large and bottomless-pit-like-black eyes that reflected nothing from the inside but evil and death.
  • Summer Camp

    K G Mathis

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Nov. 12, 2018)
    Summer Camp is the second book in the Turner Family Series. Rhonda has mixed emotions about going to summer camp. After arriving and checking in, she soon meets her roommates. Rhonda quickly develops a special bond with one of her roommates. They choose the activities that they wish to participate in. Rhonda, along with the other young ladies, are having a wonderful time at summer camp. When it’s time to return home, she again has mixed emotions. After returning home, Rhonda can’t wait to tell everyone about all the fun she had at summer camp.
  • Dakota’s Pride

    Lynne M. Caulkett

    language (E-BookTime, LLC, Dec. 13, 2015)
    Kamryn Bennett is stunned to learn that her horse, Dakota’s Pride is missing, along with several other horses from her family ranch as well as another nearby ranch. Devastated, she fears she will never see her beloved horse again.Meanwhile, miles away across the state lines, another teen finds himself in the middle of a sinister plot involving horse rustlers. Struggling to do the right thing, he finds himself in deep trouble with the law.Follow the story of these two young people as their lives become intertwined in what will become life changing for both of them.
  • Let's Talk About Words

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    Paperback (E-BookTime, LLC, April 1, 2015)
    The Kingdom of God operates on the power of God's Word. When we don't speak in a manner which matches God's Word, we can cause things which are needed for completing a task to "play a game" with our lives. Speaking wrong words can undo what God has planned for us. This book written for ages 10 and up discusses the topic of words and how God wants His best for us which begins with our desiring to speak right words. Review questions and word puzzles are included at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information just learned.
  • Let's Talk About Words

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, April 7, 2015)
    The Kingdom of God operates on the power of God’s Word. When we don’t speak in a manner which matches God’s Word, we can cause things which are needed for completing a task to “play a game” with our lives. Speaking wrong words can undo what God has planned for us. This book written for ages 10 and up discusses the topic of words and how God wants His best for us which begins with our desiring to speak right words. Review questions and word puzzles are included at the end of each chapter to reinforce the information just learned.
  • Heaven Is a Real Place

    Carolyn B. Anderson

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, April 16, 2007)
    How would you like to step on flowers and have them bounce right back? How would you like to swim underwater and never have to take a breath? How would you like to take a swim, step out of the water, and have your clothes instantly dry? How would you like to eat fruit and never stain your clothes? Not only that, but how would you like to watch a piece of fruit fall from a tree and suddenly vanish before your eyes? These are just a few things that this book shares about heaven. Of course, the most important thing about heaven is seeing Jesus. Heaven is a wonderful place and this book invites children to come learn what their Heavenly Father has prepared for them.
  • Pen Pals - What it Means to Be Jewish in Israel and America

    Ruth Fisher Goodman

    eBook (E-BookTime, LLC, Aug. 21, 2013)
    Pen Pals is a lively and personal glimpse into the lives of two boys - one Israeli and one American - illuminated through their spirited exchanges of letters. It presents two boys telling the significant aspects of their unique Jewish lifestyles. Through these warm and revealing expressions of feelings and adventures, readers of all ages will gain greater understanding of their personal and Jewish connections. Readers can learn about Judaism in an informal, conversational way.