I Am Not Ashamed: 50 Devotions for Teens on Romans
Laurie Polich
(Dimensions for Living, Aug. 1, 2003)
Ideal for youth of all ages, this new book helps young people connect their lives with Scripture and grow in their day-to-day relationship with Christ. Covers the entire book of Romans, with 50 devotions and questions for reflection. A great source of devotions, this may also be used as a commentary during personal Bible study, or as a program resource. Laurie Polich is a well-known, sought-out speaker for youth groups and youth workers. Speaking to more than 100,000 youth, youth workers, and young adults each year, Laurie has presented at Youth for Christ's DC/LA events, Youth Specialties' national conventions, and numerous other events. She has authored eight books, including Dive Into Living Water, Small Group Qs: 600 Eye-Opening Questions for Deepening Community and Exploring Scripture and Creative Bible Lessons in the Old Testament.