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Books published by publisher Darby Creek TM

  • So Much to Live For: The Dawn Rochelle Series, Book Three

    Lurlene N. McDaniel

    Paperback (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2003)
    Fifteen-year-old Dawn Rochelle has survived cancer not once, but twice. No one knows the battle better than she does. That's why Dawn agrees to be a camp counselor for young kids with cancer―the same camp she and her best friend Sandy had attended. Now Sandy is gone. Can Dawn handle the memories? How can she help the kids if she is still hurting so much?
  • Mallory and Mary Ann Take New York

    Laurie Friedman, Jennifer Kalis

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2013)
    START SPREADING THE NEWS . . . Mallory and Mary Ann are headed to New York. They've got sights to see! The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Times Square. Central Park. But they also have a problem to solve. Only one of them is invited to appear on their favorite TV show, Fashion Fran. How can two best friends find a way to share a spotlight with room for only one?
  • The Lost City

    J&P Voelkel

    Paperback (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2017)
    The epic conclusion to the exciting Jaguar Stones series and a rip-roaring adventure into the heart of North America! With his parents in jail and the Maya Death Lords in possession of all five Jaguar Stones, fourteen-year-old Max Murphy is pretty sure that he'll never get to leave the rainforest. But the Lords of Death have a problem―a new king calling himself Great Sun claims to have the Jaguar Stones, too. And they want Max to prove the guy's a fraud. Or else. Now, Max, and Lola, the mysterious girl who befriends him, are off on another wild adventure that will take them from Central America to New Orleans and up the Mississippi to the lost city at the heart of North America's past. But one thing Max should have learned after all of his dealings with the Death Lords―they never keep their promises.
  • I Want to Live: The Dawn Rochelle Series, Book Two

    Lurlene N. McDaniel

    Paperback (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2003)
    Fourteen-year-old Dawn Rochelle has had a busy year. She's been to summer camp and she's helped her brother make plans for his wedding. And Dawn has been in remission from the leukemia that threatened her life. Now she's sick again and waiting to hear the news. Has the cancer come back? Will she live to celebrate her fifteenth birthday?
  • Mallory vs. Max

    Laurie Friedman, Tamara Schmitz

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2013)
    Spunky, eight-year-old Mallory McDonald is very unhappy when her parents decide to get her older brother Max a dog. Why would her parents agree to such a thing? Dogs are smelly and bark and chew on things. Plus, they already have a perfectly good cat, Cheeseburger. When they finally get the puppy, it’s worse than Mallory imagined. Everyone loves Champ and he and Max are getting all of the attention. Poor Mallory—now everyone’s mad at her. What should she do?
  • Mallory and Mary Ann Take New York

    Laurie Friedman, Jennifer Kalis

    Paperback (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2014)
    START SPREADING THE NEWS . . . Mallory and Mary Ann are headed to New York. They've got sights to see! The Empire State Building. The Statue of Liberty. Times Square. Central Park. But they also have a problem to solve. Only one of them is invited to appear on their favorite TV show, Fashion Fran. How can two best friends find a way to share a spotlight with room for only one?
  • Love or Something Like It

    Laurie Friedman

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2015)
    Now that April is officially going out with hot-boy-next-door Matt, she's head over heels. She loves how he makes her feel . . . most of the time. But one minute he's sweet and attentive, and the next, it's as if he's forgotten they're together. April just wants things to be great between them, like when they started going out. Now as summer approaches, she has to decide if she'll go to camp with her best friends, Billy and Brynn, or stay home and be with Matt. April wishes she could do it all―keep up with friends, have summer adventures, please her annoying family, and save her new relationship. But with Matt's affection running so hot and cold, she has some tough decisions to make.
  • Game Time, Mallory!

    Laurie Friedman, Jennifer Kalis

    Paperback (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2016)
    Mallory can't wait to play in her town's new girls' basketball league! What could be more fun than trying something new and being on a team? But Mallory's basketball career gets off to a rocky start. None of her friends are on her team. And no matter how much she tries, she can't make a basket. Mallory works as hard as she can to improve. But as her team heads to the playoffs, she still feels like the weakest player. Will she let her teammates down? Or is there more to being part of a team than just winning the game?
  • The Haunting of Apartment 101

    Megan Atwood

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2013)
    Jinx felt something rumble through the room. She began to shake and moved closer to Jackson. "Do you feel that?" she whispered. Jackson nodded. When Jinx glanced at him, his face had turned bright white. As if he'd seen a ghost.When a popular girl named Emily asks Jinx and Jackson to explore a haunting in her dad's apartment, Jackson insists they take the case. And the truth they find is even stranger than Emily's story.
  • Guinea Dog

    Patrick Jennings

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2016)
    Rufus has been dreaming of getting a dog. His best friend has one. His worst friend has one. But his dad has a few objections: They whine. They gnaw. They bark. They scratch. They beg. They drool. Rufus pays no attention when his mom offers her think-outside-the-box suggestion, because she can't be serious. She can't be. She can be. And she actually comes home with a guinea pig. And if Rufus's dad thinks dogs are a problem, he won't know what hit him when he meets the Guinea Pig That Thinks She's a Dog. She barks. She bites. She'll eat your homework.
  • Campfire Mallory

    Laurie Friedman, Jennifer Kalis

    language (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2014)
    It's summertime and the Wish Pond Road gang is getting ready to go to Camp Blue Lake. Mallory's not so sure she wants to go. What if she gets homesick or none of the other kids like her? Her best friends, Mary Ann and Joey, convince her how fun it will be to go swimming, boating, and roast marshmallows over a campfire. But when Mallory arrives at camp, nothing goes as planned. Will Mallory ever find a way to be a happy camper?
  • Can You Say Catastrophe?

    Laurie Friedman

    language (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2013)
    April Sinclair just wants what any normal thirteen-year-old would want: to disown her parents and obnoxious little sisters; to escape to summer camp ASAP with her two best friends, Billy and Brynn; and to make a good impression on Matt Parker, the hot new boy next door.Unfortunately, Matt witnesses April's utter humiliation at her birthday party. Then Billy kisses her. Just as April is trying to figure things out, her parents cancel her camp plans in lieu of a family RV trip. A summer of babysitting her sisters and "re-bonding" with her family isn't how she imagined life as a teenager. And it certainly won't help her straighten out her feelings about Billy or Matt. Is there any silver lining to a road trip in The Clunker with her family of misfits?