The Joy of Cheesecake - Illustrated
Jeremy Bovbjerg, Dana; Iggers
(Barron's, March 15, 1980)
Barron's Educational Series, copyright 1980 with 200 pages and Full-Page Colored Photos - approx. size: 8.4" x 7.7" - Burnt Orange Fabric Hardcover w/gold-gilt lettering. Cheesecakes are the most sensuous of desserts. Ever since the dawn of time, mankind and womankind have striven to create the perfect cheesecake. It may well be the most noble struggle of the race! Cheesecake was a popular dish in ancient Greece. With the Roman conquest of Greece, the secret fell into Roman hands. The cheesecake recipe of the Roman soldier and statesman Cato survives to this day. (That recipe is given in the Introduction. It includes fourteen pounds of sheep's cheese!) So, we may speculate that cheesecake was first introduced to Great Britain and Western Europe by the Roman conquests. All across Europe, it developed in a multitude of forms. In Russia, cheesecake became an Easter tradition of the Orthodox Church. Mrs. Hannah Glasse published her Art of Cookery in 1747, the cheesecake repertoire included saffron cheesecakes, lemon cheesecakes, and many more. In 1872, American dairymen achieved a technological breakthrough that ushered in the Modern Age of Cheesecakes. In attempting to duplicate the popular neufchatel cheesecake of France, they hit upon a formula for an unripened cheese that was even richer and creamier than neufchatel. They named it cream cheese. The rest is, as they say, history! - By now, there are more different kinds of cheesecakes than crumbs in a graham cracker crust. You have no idea how many different kinds. When we started collecting recipes, we had no idea. Every little country in Europe big enough to sell postage stamps has its own cheesecake. Everybody's Aunt Hilda has a recipe tucked away. Pineapple cheesecakes. Chocolate cheesecakes. Pumpkin cheesecakes. Peanut butter and jelly cheesecakes. Tofu cheesecakes. You name it. Most cheesecakes are really quite easy to make. If you follow instructions carefully you should create a superb cheesecake first try!