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Books published by publisher Babelcube Inc.

  • The Dragon and the Princess

    Caterina Nikolaus, Charlotte Donnelly

    language (Babelcube Inc., March 5, 2017)
    A fantasy story for children.A princess is afraid of a dragon who has appeared in her kingdom. So she sends her soldiers and knights to face him in battle. Elves try to help him, in vain. Now the dragon is afraid too and feels forced to flee to the princess’ enemy. Can he save himself this way?The young author has written the story in plain language for children. The book is, therefore, suitable for beginning readers.The original Italian text was written during the 2010 "Young Writer's Program", a part of others have said:“The Dragon and the Princess is about a simple and far-reaching topic: fear and how fear leads to misunderstandings and even war. The young author writes descriptively and skilfully includes classic stylistic storytelling elements so that you can easily orient yourself in her fantasy.”
  • The Trick Is in the Beak

    A.P. Hernández, Cinta Garcia de la Rosa

    language (Babelcube Inc., April 14, 2018)
    Alberto is a very peculiar sparrow. He spends hours cleaning and fluffing his feathers every day until he is shiny. Alberto thinks it is extremely important to always look perfect. His fame is so big that birds from all kinds and from everywhere around the world go to his sequoia school to attend his cleaning lessons. But something disturbs their peace and quiet. One morning, Alberto discovers he had been victim of a terrible robbery... A FUNNY BOOK FOR CHILDREN, AND AN EDUCATIVE RESOURCE FOR PARENTS, TEACHERS, AND PEDAGOGUES SO THEY CAN WORK ON CHILDREN'S SELF-ESTEEM. THIS BOOK ALSO TEACHES ABOUT VALUES SUCH AS FRIENDSHIP AND ALTRUISM.
  • Pirate Academy: Adventures in Crab Island

    A.P. Hernández, Javier García Frutos

    language (Babelcube Inc., Sept. 8, 2018)
    Would you like to be a pirate?Well, don't miss the exciting fun adventures at the first Pirate Academy ever.You'll get to know Hugo, Reuben, Helen, Herman, Ivan... and many other friends!Meet the crazy Casimir, the Pirate Teacher!It's not easy to find an academy like this but today's your lucky day.Here you'll learn the basic foundations of Piracy, the Pirate Commandments, how to find treasures and, if that's not enough, you'll visit Crab Island.Welcome aboard, pirate!
  • Amaranta

    Martha Faë, Karen Cleary

    language (Babelcube Inc., Nov. 23, 2018)
    A princess who doesn’t want to marry, a dragon who is an embarrassment to his superiors, a family in which Gran is the most open-minded, a magical forest next to the best hairdresser’s in Madrid, a squirrel who makes a full time job out of gossip... Do you think this is a children’s adventure story just like any other? Well, take a step back and think again because Amaranta’s world is unique and once you’ve entered it, you’ll never be the same again!Synopsis:Amaranta is eight (and a half!) years old – old enough to know that monsters don’t exist. But the thing that jumps out and lands on her face every night when she sleeps... well she knows that THAT’S REAL! Amaranta needs all the help she can get to discover who or what the mysterious intruder is. With the support of her friends and a good dose of courage, she embarks on an adventure in which she soon discovers that what terrified her so much isn’t really so fierce when seen up close. Now a unique and extraordinary creature needs her help to undo the terrible curse he’s under and only their teamwork can break the spell. Can they do it?Recommended for readers (dragon or human) aged 8 to 100

    Karla M.V., Regina Alonso

    language (Babelcube Inc., April 11, 2016)
    The present study gathered mentions and historical data on the vision of society about deaf people dating back the first mankind reports on the topic. The analysis of the facts accessed several sources, comprising a broad variety of texts, from books and scientific websites to entertainment brochures. The study had as objective and goal the compilation of a material with examples of some of the most absurd myths and mentions ever documented about human deafness, showing the power of creative ignorance and how this can hinder even more the life of people inflicted by hearing impairment. The findings pointed out to some considerations; the most obvious is the power of religious ignorance and ill-conceived interpretations and translations, as well as the people's fear when coming across something they do not understand and, for this reason, they end up not knowing how to react. However, it is necessary to make clear that the authors never had the intention of disrespecting, offending or humiliating the authors of the examples used and their religious beliefs. Ultimately, the present study has the purpose of introducing myths and considerations about deaf people and trying to unveil these myths to elucidate and provide explanations for their correction. It also aims at divulging obtained and analyzed technical data to record them permanently, providing a study and data source to encourage other researchers in the area to develop further studies.
  • The Sphere

    Manuel Tristante, Maria Julia Munoz Serrano

    language (Babelcube Inc., Jan. 27, 2018)
    The tyranny of Geptalon has not known limits for years . Three friends will be in charge of the defeat of the sorcerer. Only they, the saviors, can do it. Not even Trac, twin brother of Geptalon, could against him. He fell in the attempt. With the help of Aglaia, a young queen, they will embark on a risky adventure to get the death of the witch . For this, they must destroy The Sphere. A powerful magic artifact that steals the spirit of all sorcerers to end their lives. In it lies one of the three parts of the heart of Geptalon. Get ready for a journey full of adventures, unforgettable characters, and dangers ... The Drupts, personal army of Geptalon, who will try to destroy the Chosen One, Miguel, so that he does not fulfill his mission . Can they achieve their goal among so many obstacles, unforeseen, betrayals, as well as strange dreams that will hit Miguel to leave him without strength?
  • Sprout

    Liliana Marchesi, Barbara M. Patrizi

    language (Babelcube Inc., Jan. 14, 2017)
    The final chapter of saga that kept readers of Dystopian novels – and not only them – on their toes, dragging them in the love story between Kendall and Trevor. A story of star-crossed lovers, made even more difficult by a government whose sole purpose is to turn the whole of humanity into a bunch of puppets.Brooklyn. Kendall has finally managed to escape from the Headquarters of the Mind, where Axel held her captive with the help of a mental Manipulation. But now that her past has resurfaced, how will she face the present and the terrible future that awaits?The Orphans living in the Mausoleum will try to train her, and Trevor, who will be the toughest of all with her, will do everything to help her use her Root at its best.But will it be enough?"Sometimes, to win in life… you have to lose."An ending that will make you reconsider every single character. And until the last page... remember that anything can happen!
  • Flyaway Tales

    Stefano Amadei, Rosemary Dawn Allison

    language (Babelcube Inc., Aug. 16, 2018)
    An imaginative mix of songs, riddles and fairy tales in ten exciting stories.Take a ticket for Cinema Bianchini and you know how dreams are formed, what happens to the parents when the kids go to bed, what is the formula of the mixture of invisibility, what cats do when they are wandering about.Come to meet Ali the scribe's apprentice, the little fairy and Gaia, if you dare, take a short walk into the Ogre's garden!Contains the story "Never Been Dreamt" winner of the Second prize for the national writing contest "Sassi & Parole" in 2012 announced by the City of Mercallo (Va).
  • I Don't Want to Go to School! Children's Book – Starting at 7 Years. Martin Starts School

    A.P. Hernández, Lilian Granados

    Paperback (Babelcube Inc., Nov. 3, 2018)
    Book description School starts for Martin, but he won´t go. He prefers staying at home and play with his gaming console, with his stuffed animals and his remote radio control helicopter. In the end, Martin knows a lot of things: he knows how to count from one to ten and he even knows that, if you add one videogame to one videogame, the result are two videogames. Hence, why should he go to school? Martin refuses to get up on his first day of school. He grabs his bed´s headboard with all of his strength and his mother fails to detach him from the bed, so … Martin gets away with it! He gets to stay home alone all morning! But things are not as fun as he thinks… A children´s book recommended for children ages 7 and up. The purpose of this children's book is to promote imagination in both boys and girls and to enable reflection on the importance of going to school. With Martin´s adventures, children will learn to value school as a cornerstone in their education as well as their personal and social development. “I don´t want to go to school!” is a first lessons book, suitable to be read aloud to the youngest. It´s also useful for both boys and girls to become readers.
  • Pirate Academy: Adventures in Crab Island

    A.P. Hernández, Javier García Frutos

    Paperback (Babelcube Inc., Nov. 3, 2018)
    Would you like to be a pirate? Well, don't miss the exciting fun adventures at the first Pirate Academy ever. You'll get to know Hugo, Reuben, Helen, Herman, Ivan... and many other friends! Meet the crazy Casimir, the Pirate Teacher! It's not easy to find an academy like this but today's your lucky day. Here you'll learn the basic foundations of Piracy, the Pirate Commandments, how to find treasures and, if that's not enough, you'll visit Crab Island. Welcome aboard, pirate!
  • I Don't Want to Read! : Children's Book

    A.P. Hernández, Sara Maria Hasbun

    Paperback (Babelcube Inc., Nov. 3, 2018)
    A book for early learners, great for reading out loud to little ones. Also useful for children who are starting to learn to read. Martin is eight years old, and hates to read. He has just finished the school year and anxiously awaits his summer vacation. But then his teacher, Josefina, assigns him mountains of workbooks and worksheets for the summer! But even worse than the math problems, the multiplication tables, and even the cursive practice...Josefina has ordered him to read a book! A whole book, without a single picture! One morning, Martin, in a heroic act, starts to read the book. But then extraordinary things start to happen... This children's book is recommended for children of around 6-7 years of age. The purpose of this book is to awaken the imagination of boys and girls as well as their curiosity for literature, helping them to discover that between the pages of a book lie adventures and great fun.
  • My first dog: Children's book

    A.P. Hernández, Adriana Ethel Allende

    Paperback (Babelcube Inc., Nov. 22, 2018)
    Sophie is seven years old and wants a dog. He wants it to play tea party with, to brush its hair and to ride on its back like a real rider. Sofia wants the dog, and she wants it now. Almost all his friends at school have a pet except her. So, after a lot of insisting, she ends up convincing his parents to let her have a dog. And so, a good day... Timber Comes Home! But Timber is not willing to play with Sophie. Timber does not like to have tea, he does not like to be brushed or, much less, he wants no one to climb on his back. Thus, Sophie understands that Timba is not a toy and that it will be essential to gain his trust and affection. A book for kids recommended for children from 6 to 7 years old. With this children's book, little ones will understand that adopting a dog is a great responsibility. Through Sophie’s adventures, it facilitates the reflection on the time that a dog requires, the importance of taking it to the vet, how important it is to take it for a walk every day and to do exercises with him, and how to educate him. "My first Dog" is a first-learning book apt to be read aloud to the little ones. It is also useful for children to undertake their reading adventure for themselves.