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Books published by publisher Argus Press

  • The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Time Lords: humorous epic fantasy / science fiction adventure

    Steve LeBel

    Paperback (Argon Press, Aug. 28, 2019)
    You need godly powers to catch a time lord...For his newest assignment, Bernie is sent to Planet Flo to investigate a disruption in the manufacture of a glowing powder the gods want for their world. Bernie must convince the mine owner to reopen the mines, but as he travels to and from the world, every visit gets stranger. The people he’s negotiating with keep forgetting who he is. Their society is becoming unrecognizable, and their technology is advancing at an alarming rate.Bernie’s job is becoming impossible. An unknown force is undoing his work and propelling the people of Flo towards a dark future. If the gods don’t get their glowing powder, they will wipe out the entire civilization and repopulate the planet with another species, one more capable of producing the dust they want.The only way Bernie can save the people is to stop the entity that’s undermining his efforts. But Bernie has no idea who or what it is. Could it be a threat from another universe? Could it be a new species evolving on the planet? How do you fight an enemy with the power to manipulate time?As the fourth installment of the epic fantasy series, Bernie and the Time Lords packs the same amount of humor and wit while amping up the mystery, plot twists, and adventure.Grab your copy now and join our young god as he faces off against his most powerful opponents yet - the masters of time.****************The Universe Builder series has won 17 national and international awards for excellence.
  • The Breath of Horse Crazy: The Love Affair Between Women and Horses

    Lynn Baber

    eBook (Ark Press, April 1, 2019)
    Horse make Dreams. Come. True.Horses live, move, and think at the speed of trust, and unlike some people, horses can’t be bought. The end of the rainbow for horse-crazy ladies is transformation; becoming more than they were alone. Horses tell you things about yourself you don’t already know. Horses are as true to their nature as you are, never believing things about themselves that aren’t real.“I slept on that horse, and ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the toy Wonder pony. When I woke out of a dead sleep I cried, because I wasn’t done riding my Wonder horse. From that moment, the breath of horse-crazy was instilled in me.” - Jessica ShivelyUntil I was thirty-three years old, I kept the dream of horses alive in my heart, doing everything possible to ride, pet, talk to, or simply be near one. This book is for my sisters in the Realm of Horses, those living the dream and those still clinging to the hope that one day hers will come true.My years as an equine entrepreneur taught me lessons I couldn’t learn anywhere else because each one either blessed my heart or broke it.Horse-crazy isn’t a fad. It’s true love.I'm so grateful to my Sisters of the Realm, generous women who share their memories and hearts with readers. Even if youth is a memory and you aren't living your horse dream yet, don't let it fade. For some the dream takes wings as a little girl and for others it arrives with wrinkles and grandchildren.Girls and horses go together like moss on a north-facing rock. Some of my sisters in the Realm of Horses come late to the party but have just as much fun.Why do women love horses? Husband, fathers, and sons try to understand us but often give up, accepting that the woman in his life was born that way and it's better to accept than resist. If you're in the sisterhood of horsewomen, I invite you to share the dream.
  • Discipleship with Horses: Practical Guide to Using Obstacles, Exercises, and Simple Cues to Get the Results You Want

    Lynn Baber

    Paperback (Ark Press, June 14, 2017)
    Horsemanship. Leadership. Discipleship.Transformative relationship with a horse is possible if you know how to offer it, guide it, and deserve it. Horsemanship means you understand how horses think, how they learn, and what they need. Leadership offers horses options that let them be right, teaches them confidence, and creates reflexive obedience because the horse wants to do as you ask.Discipleship is knowing what you know well enough to teach others how to get the same results you do. The parallel between your relationship with a horse and your relationship with God follow similar paths. Christian author Lynn Baber ties the two together in inspiring and practical ways. She explains why your horse doesn’t do as you ask and how to change both the question and the answer.Horsemanship is the process of earning your horses faith. The process of building faith is systematic; the same one God uses with us also works with horses.From the practical to the inspirational, and the round pen to the prayer closet, Lynn provides specific how-to’s and concepts to help you develop the right program for your horse based on timeless gospel principles.For example, Jesus used four basic commands with His disciples:ComeFollowGo or SendYieldEvery request you make of your horse falls into one of those four categories. When you don’t get the result you want, which of those four did your horse say “No” to? Christian Horse Training (CHT) is simple, systematic, and a labor of love. “Discipleship With Horses” is the guidebook to help you connect with the heart of a horse in a way many only dream of. This is a journey of joy.
  • Discipleship with Horses: Practical Guide to Using Obstacles, Exercises, and Simple Cues to Get the Results You Want

    Lynn Baber

    language (Ark Press, June 23, 2014)
    Horsemanship. Leadership. Discipleship.Transformative relationship with a horse is possible if you know how to offer it, guide it, and deserve it. Horsemanship means you understand how horses think, how they learn, and what they need. Leadership offers horses options that let them be right, teaches them confidence, and creates reflexive obedience because the horse wants to do as you ask.Discipleship is knowing what you know well enough to teach others how to get the same results you do. The parallel between your relationship with a horse and your relationship with God follow similar paths. Christian author Lynn Baber ties the two together in inspiring and practical ways. She explains why your horse doesn’t do as you ask and how to change both the question and the answer.Horsemanship is the process of earning your horses faith. The process of building faith is systematic; the same one God uses with us also works with horses.From the practical to the inspirational, and the round pen to the prayer closet, Lynn provides specific how-to’s and concepts to help you develop the right program for your horse based on timeless gospel principles.For example, Jesus used four basic commands with His disciples:ComeFollowGo or SendYieldEvery request you make of your horse falls into one of those four categories. When you don’t get the result you want, which of those four did your horse say “No” to? Christian Horse Training (CHT) is simple, systematic, and a labor of love. “Discipleship With Horses” is the guidebook to help you connect with the heart of a horse in a way many only dream of. This is a journey of joy.
  • Beach Buddies

    Deanna J. Compton

    Paperback (Argon Press, July 23, 2017)
    Mason the dragon and his family go to the beach and Mason learns how to make a new friend.
  • He Came Looking for Me: A horse's true story of hope and redemption

    Lynn Baber

    Paperback (Ark Press, March 20, 2013)
    Experience this compelling and uplifting story of a real horse in desperate need of rescue - and how God delivered it in the nick of time.The best stories are often true; with promising beginnings, wandering through change and uncertainty, falling into the darkest of pits, then joyful rising to heartwarming, blissful endings. That’s the story of Shiner and his brother, Ace, born as Princes of the Pasture, finding a new family, then sold into confusion and despair. Until the author and her husband were sent to find them and bring them home. Only the hand of God could arrange events with the precise sequence and timing to give this story life - and a happy ending. Shiner and Ace were rescued at the very moment it was most needed. Their story, however, is for everyone who has ever felt hopeless or abandoned. There is hope. There is something bright and beautiful ahead. “He Came Looking for Me’ is a message that Jesus’s promise of a mansion in heaven is one you can believe in.Need proof? Shiner shares part of the story in his own unique equine way. If you loved reading “Black Beauty”, you’ll love this book. Even better, Shiner is a real horse in Weatherford, Texas.Book #2 in the Gospel Horse Series.
  • The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Lost Girl:

    Steve LeBel

    Paperback (Argon Press, April 17, 2016)
    Even gods were young once...Not long ago, a young girl disappeared, and all of God Town feared for her life. After extensive searches, little Emily could not be found. Only the woods remained to be searched - but that was a problem. Godly powers do not extend beyond the edge of town, and no gods were willing to venture there - not even to save the young girl's life.Armed with nothing but courage and a magic stick, Bernie and his friends, Suzie and Lenny, enter a dark world filled with terrifying monsters. It will take a miracle of godly proportions to save them, and even that may not be enough... Join a new kind of hero on a great adventure as young gods do something even the adults do not dare.An extraordinary world is waiting for you. Get started now...****************The Universe Builder series has won 17 national and international awards for excellence.
  • The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Wizards

    Steve LeBel

    Paperback (Argon Press, March 8, 2017)
    Broken universes don't fix themselves. They need gods for that...Bernie is a young god who fixes broken universes for a living. Unfortunately, the universe he's supposed to fix is in the middle of a civil war caused by Ashok, a murderous wizard determined to control the lucrative pepper trade.Bernie's boss urges him to solve the problem by destroying the evil Ashok and all his people, but Bernie wants no part of such a massacre. Struggling to find another solution, he tries to force Ashok to give up his plans for world domination. As Bernie's attempts at peaceful solutions continue to fail, his boss comes to believe the easiest solution is to destroy all the people on the planet and start over again. Bernie can't let that happen.Finally reconciled to destroying Ashok and his followers, Bernie is shocked to discover the evil wizard's powers are far more than superstitious nonsense. The young god is drawn into an epic battle pitting the power of the gods against the forces of magic, while the lives of every man, woman, and child on the planet hang in the balance.Don't miss this one. Get your copy now.****************The Universe Builder series has won 17 national and international awards for excellence.
  • Rising Darkness: Book 2 of The Enchantment

    J. Michael McFadden

    eBook (Argon Press, Aug. 4, 2018)
    Dashed hopes of reunion haunt Deidre! Echoes of enchantment stir within her. . . . Are her parents still alive in Doe Castle? Can she save them and Ulster? Her new faerie skills are no match for the Dark Enchanter and his taloned horde. . . . Magical inscriptions appear in the Book of Invasions. Will the prophecy of a Champion of Ulster come true? Is the very Enchanted Forest in danger? Are Maeve and her faerie friends at risk? . . . Destiny calls Deidre and Culain to perilous tests of courage. . . . The darkness is deep!
  • Amazing Grays, Amazing Grace: Lessons in Leadership, Relationship, and the Power of Faith Inspired by the Love of God and Horses

    Lynn Baber

    Paperback (Ark Press, June 1, 2017)
    Leadership. Relationship. Faith.Horses are born looking for a herd, dogs for a pack, and people for God. The quality of every horse, dog, or human life is the quality of the relationships enjoyed or endured. The “Amazing Grays” are two gray quarter horses who led the author from a successful career in the horse industry to ministry with horses. As Lynn says, “You can’t fool God and you can’t fool a horse. And, like God, horses treat you precisely as you deserve, unless they give you grace.”The search for love, security, companionship, and fun is universal. Creating relationships that deliver great blessing without excessive baggage isn’t easy in our complex world. Ultimately, the search for security and meaning is the search for a relationship with God. Horses are perfect study partners for anyone willing to work, learn, and practice both followership and leadership.“Amazing Grays” applies simple gospel truths to your relationship with horses. The foundations of commitment, faith, and effective correction are shared in stories from the author’s years as an equine professional. Gratitude, distraction, temptation, willingness, and humility are recurring characters in life with horses and your walk with Christ. Simply put, the only reason you don’t enjoy perfection with your horse, your family, your neighbors, and God is that someone is either unable or unwilling to do what is needed. Quite often, that someone is you. Embark on the joyful path of building new levels of understanding and relationship with your horse. Each revelation and success with your equine partner reveals a deeper truth about your own relationship with God. The author credits her life, her successes, and the priceless gift of life with horses to God’s amazing grace. Through horses, Lynn learned the truth of how deep and complete Jesus’s commitment is to her — because it’s the same one she makes to her horses and knows the cost.
  • Vathek: An Arabian Tale

    William Beckford

    Paperback (Argot Press, Oct. 27, 2018)
    The young Caliph Vathek's hedonism is matched only by his insatiable lust for forbidden knowledge. When a hideous and strange traveller arrives bearing occult artifacts beyond mortal comprehension, the prince tumbles down a path of ruin to uncover their secrets, risking his immortal soul to unlock the secret mysteries of the universe. Vathek reads like a lost laudanum-tinged chapter of the Arabian Nights, a strange and dreamlike descent into Hell.Vathek is the first book in the Argot Early Gothic Collection. From the gloomy castles and maniacal villain of The Castle of Otranto; the sex, witchcraft, and demons of The Monk; to Vathek's dreamlike and surreal vision of gothic literature's potential, the Argot Early Gothic Collection showcases three of the most influential works that helped shape English gothic literature and the broader romantic movement of the late 18th century.
  • The Breath of Horse Crazy: The Love Affair Between Women and Horses

    Lynn Baber

    Paperback (Ark Press, March 28, 2019)
    Horses make Dreams. Come. True.Horses live, move, and think at the speed of trust, and unlike some people, horses can’t be bought. The end of the rainbow for horse-crazy ladies is transformation; becoming more than they were alone. Horses tell you things about yourself you don’t already know. Horses are as true to their nature as you are, never believing things about themselves that aren’t real.“I slept on that horse, and ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the toy Wonder pony. When I woke out of a dead sleep I cried, because I wasn’t done riding my Wonder horse. From that moment, the breath of horse-crazy was instilled in me.” - Jessica ShivelyUntil I was thirty-three years old, I kept the dream of horses alive in my heart, doing everything possible to ride, pet, talk to, or simply be near one. This book is for my sisters in the Realm of Horses, those living the dream and those still clinging to the hope that one day hers will come true.My years as an equine entrepreneur taught me lessons I couldn’t learn anywhere else because each one either blessed my heart or broke it.Horse-crazy isn’t a fad. It’s true love.I'm so grateful to my Sisters of the Realm, generous women who share their memories and hearts with readers. Even if youth is a memory and you aren't living your horse dream yet, don't let it fade. For some the dream takes wings as a little girl and for others it arrives with wrinkles and grandchildren.Girls and horses go together like moss on a north-facing rock. Some of my sisters in the Realm of Horses come late to the party but have just as much fun.Why do women love horses? Husband, fathers, and sons try to understand us but often give up, accepting that the woman in his life was born that way and it's better to accept than resist. If you're in the sisterhood of horsewomen, I invite you to share the dream.