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Books published by publisher Amereon Ltd

  • Tether's End

    Margery Allingham

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, Dec. 1, 1988)
    A quiet, ruthless killer strikes in London€™s theatre district. Superintendent Luke thinks he has seen the pattern before. Mr. Campion wonders what became of the old couple in the country bus who must have witnessed the crime... In this exercise in suspense, the trail leads to an eccentric museum in west London, and to a scrap yard in the East End.
  • Savrola

    Sir Churchill, Winston

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, June 1, 1976)
  • Bridge over the River Kwai

    Pierre Boulle

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, July 31, 1988)
    1942: Boldly advancing through Asia, the Japanese need a train route from Burma going north. In a prison camp, British POWs are forced into labor. The bridge they build will become a symbol of service and survival to one prisoner, Colonel Nicholson, a proud perfectionist. Pitted against the warden, Colonel Saito, Nicholson will nevertheless, out of a distorted sense of duty, aid his enemy. While on the outside, as the Allies race to destroy the bridge, Nicholson must decide which will be the first casualty: his patriotism or his pride.
  • the Mothers

    Vardis Fisher

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, June 1, 2004)
    Book by Vardis Fisher
  • Wisdom of the Sands

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, Oct. 1, 2003)
    The final, deeply-felt summing-up of the author's experience and his philosophy of life. Choosing a desert prince as his protagonist and narrator, he presents the timeless problems of humanity against the austere background of the wilderness. The book abounds in vivid pictures of desert life, forays and sandstorms, mirage-born madness, beleaguered cities, caravans going their perilous ways. It may be read just for the sake of these scenes, so incomparably described, or read as an allegory of man and his grandeur, of his ends and the means that may lead to them and, most clearly of all, of the moral and spiritual values that unite the individual to God.Other Antoine de Saint-Exupery titles available from Amereon:The Little Prince (Translated by Katherine Woods)Night FlightAmereon books have been proudly made in the United States of America for over 40 years. The avoidance of OCR software in addition to sourcing the highest quality originals, allows Amereon to provide readers with the best possible hardcover books.
  • Lust for Life

    Irving Stone

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, June 20, 1974)
    Chinese edition of the brilliant biographical fiction "Lust for Life" by Irving Stone illustrates the most influential genius painter, Vincent Van Gogh, his life and work. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
  • Mother West Winds Animal Friends

    Thornton W. Burgess

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, June 1, 1989)
  • The Uninvited

    Dorothy MacArdle

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, June 6, 2011)
    The haunting novel upon which the play and Lewis Allen's feature film debut (starring Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, and Donald Crisp) were based.The Unforseen (ISBN 0891901132) by Dorothy MacArdle is also available from Amereon.Amereon books have been proudly made in the United States of America for over 40 years. The avoidance of OCR software in addition to sourcing the highest quality originals allows Amereon to provide readers with the best possible hardcover books.
  • Portrait of a Marriage

    Pearl S. Buck

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, Jan. 1, 1996)
    Book by Pearl S. Buck
  • Deliverance

    James Dickey

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, Oct. 20, 1994)
    The setting is the Georgia wilderness, where the states most remote white-water river awaits. In the thundering froth of that river, in its echoing stone canyons, four men on a canoe trip discover a freedom and exhilaration beyond compare. And then, in a moment of horror, the adventure turns into a struggle for survival as one man becomes a human hunter who is offered his own harrowing deliverance.
  • Our Hearts Were Young and Gay

    Cornelia Otis Skinner, Emily Kimbrough

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, Aug. 20, 2012)
    Actress Cornelia Otis Skinner and journalist Emily Kimbrough offer a lighthearted, hilarious memoir of their European tour in the 1920s, when they were fresh out of college from Bryn Mawr.
  • Night Without End

    Alistair MacLean

    Hardcover (Amereon Ltd, )