Poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer Volume 3
Geoffrey Chaucer
(RareBooksClub.com, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1855 Excerpt: ...of The King and the MUler of Afansfielde, Dick, the miller's son, when invited to dine at court, complains--You feed us with swatling dishes so small; Zounds! a black pudding is better than all.' ' Aye, marry,' quoth our king, ' that were a dainty thing, Could a man get but one here for to eate.' With that Dick stratc arose, and pluckt one from his hose. Then wold I telle a legend of my lyf, What I have suffred sith I was a wyf With myn housbond, though he be your cosyn.' ' Nay,' quod this monk, ' by God and seint Martyn! He is no more cosyn unto me, Than is this leef that hongeth on the tre; I cleped him so, by seint Denis of Fraunce, To have the more cause of acqueyntaunce Of yow, which I have loved specially Aboven alle wommen sikerly; This swere I yow on my professioun.1 Tellith youre greef, lest that he come adoun, And hasteth yow; and goth your way anoon.' ' My deere love,' quod sche, O dan Johan! Ful leef me were this counseil for to hyde, But out it moot, I may no more abyde. Myn housbond is to me the worste man, That ever was sitthe the world bigan; But sith I am a wif, it sit nought me To telle no wight of oure privete, Neyther a-bedde, ne in noon other place; God schilde I scholde telle it for his grace! A wyf ne schal not say of hir housbonde But al honour, as I can understonde. Save unto yow thus moche telle I schal; As help me God, he is not worth at al, In no degre, the valieu of a flie. But yit me greveth most his nigardye. And wel ye wot, that wymmen naturelly Desiren sixe thinges, as wel as I. They wolde that here housbondes scholde be Hardy, and wys, and riche, and therto fre, And buxom to his wyf, and freisch on bedde. But by the Lord that for us alle bledde, This line is omitted in the Harl. MS., and is supplied from the L.ansd. The mon...