The Halloween Haunter
Tawney Anderson, Sharlene Rasmussen
(, Sept. 30, 2017)
The Halloween HaunterThe perfect book to help your child celebrate Halloween! This is the fourth book in the "Jenny Adventure Series” that will spark the imagination in children of all ages!Get this Amazon bestseller for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99.Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.Purchase the paperback version today and download the Kindle e-book for FREE!Author Tawney Anderson’s children’s book, “The Halloween Haunter”, combines a unique host of characters that bring into focus the significance of family and friends in a crisis. Combined with animal character illustrations, this story creates a theater of the mind that will leave a heart-warming impression in the minds of children and their families.In this sequel to “Hamilton Saves The 4th Of July”, Jenny and Jonathan are swept up into a new adventure. Soon it will be Halloween and it’s a time for Fall Festivals in the country area where the children live. But bags full of horse feed are disappearing and the town is becoming uneasy about the continued theft. Who is taking them? Why haven’t the dogs warned the farms? During a walk in the woods to gather leaves for a fall cornucopia, Jenny and Jonathan are thrown into a new adventure as they discover a hidden graveyard and the mysterious thief who lives there.“The Halloween Haunter” is fourth of five books in the “Jenny Adventure Series”.Purchase all five books in the one-book compilation and save 25% OFF purchasing the books individually! These five books comprise the exciting adventures of nine year old Jenny and her best friend Johnathan as they discover the values of faith, family and freedom on her grandfathers’ farm.“The Jenny Adventure Series” (Books 1 Through 5 Compilation)Book 1: “A Nativity Christmas”Book 2: “The Easter Miracle”Book 3: “Hamilton Saves The 4th of July”Book 4: “The Halloween Haunter”Book 5: “The Thanksgiving Tracker”Get this Amazon bestseller for just $9.99. Regularly priced at $19.99!For full color photos of the animals and locations in the book series and for more information on the “The Jenny Adventure Series”, please visit my web page: