Before the Dinosaurs
Sunil Tanna
(Independently published, June 7, 2019)
The first of series of 5 books, this book tells the history of life on Earth from the planet's formation 4,550 million years ago until the end of the Paleozoic Era 252 million years ago.In this beautiful full-color illustrated book, you will learn about:How life began in the seas as simple single-celled organismsHow single-celled organisms grew more complex and changed the planetThe sudden appearance of many multicellular life forms during the Cambrian explosionHow life colonized the landThe evolution of the first tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrates) from fishHow tetrapods diversified to produce reptiles and our ancestors, the synapsid mammal-like reptilesThe greatest mass extinction in history that brought the Paleozoic Era to a closeAnd much moreTable of Contents:IntroductionChapter 1: How the Earth was FormedThe Formation of the Solar SystemThe Formation of the Planets Including Earth.Chapter 2: The Hadean EonConditions in the Hadean EonChapter 3: The Archean EonConditions in the Archean EonProkaryota β The First LifeChapter 4: Proterozoic EonThe Great Oxygenation Event and the Huronian GlaciationMore Complex Life β EukaryotaThe Cryogenian PeriodThe Ediacaran Period β The First Multicellular LifeChapter 5: The Phanerozoic Eon and the Paleozoic EraEras of the Phanerozoic EonPeriods of the Paleozoic EraChapter 6: The Cambrian PeriodPaleogeography of the Cambrian PeriodThe Cambrian ExplosionAnimals of the Cambrian PeriodPlants of the Cambrian PeriodMass Extinctions of the Cambrian Period Chapter 7: The Ordovician PeriodPaleogeography of the Ordovician PeriodClimate of Ordovician PeriodThe Ordovician RadiationAnimals of the Ordovician PeriodMass Extinctions of the Ordovician PeriodChapter 8: The Silurian PeriodPaleogeography of the Silurian PeriodClimate of Silurian PeriodAnimals of the Silurian PeriodLife on LandChapter 9: The Devonian PeriodPaleogeography of the Devonian PeriodMarine Life in the Devonian PeriodThe First TetrapodsThe Devonian ExplosionMass Extinctions of the Devonian PeriodChapter 10: The Carboniferous Period (including Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Subperiods)Paleogeography of the Carboniferous PeriodClimate of Carboniferous PeriodForests and Coal DepositsMarine Life in the Carboniferous PeriodAmphibians of the Carboniferous PeriodThe First AmniotesTerrestrial Arthropods of the CarboniferousThe Carboniferous Rainforest CollapseThe Diversification of Amniotes β Parareptiles, Synapsids and DiapsidsChapter 11: The Permian PeriodPaleogeography of the Permian PeriodClimate of the Permian PeriodPlants of the Permian PeriodAmphibians of the Permian PeriodParareptiles of the Permian PeriodDiapsids of the Permian PeriodSynapsids of the Permian PeriodInsects of the Permian PeriodMass Extinctions of the Permian PeriodChapter 12: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic ErasThe Mesozoic EraThe Cenozoic Era