Boxcar Children
Gertrude Chandler Warner
(Albert Whitman ('94, '95, '97, 2003, 2005 ), March 15, 2005)
Enjoy the childhood adventures of four sibling orphans, Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny, who live in a boxcar until they meet their grandfather. Books include: (#35) Mystery at the Dog Show; (#46) The Chocolate Sundae Mystery; (#49) The Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar; (#58) The Mystery at the Alamo; (#61) The Growling Bear Mystery; (#85) The Disappearing Staircase Mystery; (#87) The Mystery of the Spider's Clue; (#88) The Mystery of the Mummy's Curse; (#89) The Mystery of the Star Ruby; (#96) The Mystery in the Fortune Cookie; (#103) The Sword of the Silver Knight; (Special #2) The Mystery in Washington DC.