The adventures of Trot and Cap'n Bill take them to Oz, where they help solve the problem of Pom, whose true love's heart has been turned to ice by witches
Watermill Press presents a colorful and informative book about the Stegosaurus. Includes details and history of the Stegosaurus and the Jurassic World.
Terri Cohlene, Argentina Palacios, Paul Goble, Gay Matthaei, Charles Reasoner, Felipe Davalos, Adam Cvijanovic
(Watermill Press, March 15, 1990)
Set of 4 Native American Children's Picture Books. Titles include: Quillworker A Cheyenne Legend~The Hummingbird King A Guatemalan Legend~Love Flute~The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle
Part of the "Everyman" series which has been re-set with wide margins for notes and easy-to-read type. Each title includes a themed introduction by leading authorities on the subject, life-and-times chronology of the author, text summaries, annotated reading lists and selected criticism and notes.