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Books published by publisher Spring Publications

  • Princelings Revolution

    Jemima Pett

    (Princelings Publications, Oct. 1, 2020)
    Jasmine's birthday party ends in disaster. George seems to have lost a phial of highly dangerous liquid. And Fred, well, King Fred is battling politics, relatives and self-seeking dignitaries in his aim to give the people a better way of living.And above all this there is a promise he wants to keep. A promise to an engaging chap he made when he was a mere stripling, when he persuaded that person to stop the Great Energy Drain.What will happen if he fails?The tenth and final book of the Princelings of the East series brings our heroes to the brink of disaster. The Realms will never be the same again - but how will Fred, George, Jasmine, Willoughby and all the others cope?An intriguing fantasy mystery adventure for readers aged 10 and upwards.
  • Survivor Of The Rain: A Novel About Teenage Tragedy

    cassandra webb

    eBook (Sparkle Publications, )
  • Piper Fox Shows Kindness

    Jess Mollo, Mark Carnell-Jones

    Paperback (SPARK Publications, April 3, 2020)
    At first, Piper thinks her baby brother, Winston, is just making a mess. Then she realizes he’s copying her as she shows kindness to her family and friends. This heart-warming tale shows readers how we can all show kindness like Piper.
  • Flick and the Summer Night's Lightshow

    C K Hart

    language (Sparrow Publications, July 28, 2014)
    Adventures of Flick the Firefly and his forest friends on summer nights and how they face the day to day challeges of the little people and their jars.One summer night at the edge of the forest by the stream the little people with jars find the tiny firefly village that brings dire consequences. Flick the Firefly and his forest friends now are faced with danger as they must travel to the city to rescue Phoebe before its too late. Along the way they make new friends, outfly danger and have daring adventures in a quest to find Phoebe and save their village before its destroyed. Flick, the fireflies and forest buddies band together as their forest and lives are changed as they are faced by the little people and environmental challenges that has threatened their way of life.
  • B3 Goes to the Playground

    Charleszetta Smith Ford

    Paperback (SPARK Publications, Sept. 12, 2018)
    B3 is a flying superhero, and she gets you moving! The Better Bodies Buddy (her friends call her B3) meets EJ, a little frog who doesn’t like exercise. She teaches him that exercise is fun. He makes new friends in the process.
  • Light Action! Amazing Experiments with Optics

    Vicki Cobb, Josh Cobb, Theo Cobb

    Paperback (SPIE Publications, April 1, 2005)
    Faster than anything in the universe! Sustainer of life as we know it! What is this miraculous, mysterious thing? It's light. And you can be its master with optics, the science of the future. Optics lets you: - Bend light around corners - Stop time with a pair of sunglasses - Capture light on a silver tray - Magnify pictures with an ice cube - Pour light into your palm - Project a big-screen image from your small TV - Fool a doorbell with a bike reflector! Once you get your head and hands into optics, the world will never look the same again. That's a promise. Dozens of experiments. Illustrated by Theo Cobb. Ages 11 and up.
  • The Twelve Rays: Foundational Level Individual Workbook

    Michael G Love

    Paperback (Spark Publications, May 23, 2019)
    Are you ready to embrace the Divine within you? This workbook provides five practical applications for the first three Rays, the Rays of Aspect. The author, Michael G Love, asserts that these Rays are our Divine Inheritance and they are ours to command. According to Love, The real value of this workbook is that it empowers us to own our Divinity by showing how to use the first three Rays as ours to command. This is how we consciously create our own realities . The workbook guides you through five separate applications ranging from resistance to change to manifesting your desires. It includes techniques for reducing stress and reducing the feeling of loneliness. There is also a technique for using the Law of Attraction since that is part of the Third Ray. You will be able to immediately take advantage of these simple to follow practical applications of the first three Rays.
  • Attila the Hun: A Captivating Guide to the Ruler of the Huns and His Invasions of the Roman Empire

    Captivating History

    Hardcover (Ch Publications, Nov. 26, 2019)
    If you want to discover the captivating history of Attila the Hun, then keep reading...In the popular imagination, Attila the Hun is among the most barbaric leaders ever. His warriors have the reputation of being ruthless, cruel, and bloodthirsty, as the Huns are believed to have been savages lacking any semblance of civilized culture.The Huns raped and pillaged with abandon whenever the opportunity arose, and their raids into lands poorly protected by military outposts in the crumbling Roman Empire became legendary. The Huns under the command of Attila are thought to have been largely responsible for the collapse of the Roman Empire and the commencement of the Dark Ages in Europe.The reputation of Attila and his people, the Huns, is at odds with reality. But examining the few historical records of his character and deeds reveal quite a different story. It is true that he was a calculating leader who was skilled at unleashing his fierce fighters when necessary. It is also recorded in history that he was a continual thorn in the side of the Romans. However, placed in historical context, Attila acted in ways that were common among leaders, both Roman and barbarian, in the first half of the 5th century. What is extraordinary about him were his uncanny abilities in negotiations with superior powers, his capacity for matching and exceeding his enemies in duplicitous behavior, and his successes as a military tactician on the battlefield.In Attila the Hun: A Captivating Guide to the Ruler of the Huns and His Invasions of the Roman Empire, you will discover topics such as The Origins of Attila and the Huns The Wars of the Huns Before Attila An Alliance Between the Huns and the Romans Attila Attacks the Byzantines Attila Attacks the Byzantines Again Attila Foils a Byzantine Plot Attila's Diplomatic Strategy Evolves in the West Attila Raids Gaul Attila Raids Italy The Disintegration of Attila's Kingdom And much, much more! So if you want to learn more about Attila the Hun, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • How a Bill Becomes a Law

    Nancy Van Wie

    eBook (MAX's Publications, )
  • A Not So Scary Halloween Night

    Paul S. Kemp, Riordan W. Kemp, Cordelia Wolf

    language (R&R Publications, Sept. 11, 2014)
    This charming Halloween tale, told by New York Times bestselling author Paul S. Kemp and his son, Riordan Kemp, will delight witches and warlocks of all ages. The gorgeous, full-color illustrations, by artist Cordelia Wolf, bring the story fully to life.
  • Seoul Food: Short stories of a Korean American Living in Los Angeles

    Dr. Sarai H. Koo

    Paperback (SPICES Publications, Jan. 28, 2014)
    Seoul Food is a creative non-fiction book about the lives of second-generation Korean Americans growing up in Los Angeles County–the Mecca for diversity of cultures. Targeting a young adult readership, Seoul Food captures snapshots of Korean lifestyles of as well as an inherent, sometimes shameful, dysfunctional family and lifestyle created by the disconnect between Korean-born parents and their American-born children. The book not only infuses the work with credibility, but also brings to light quintessential aspects, including universal issues confronting many youth of many cultures. Stories of Korean Americans’ private experiences may go unnoticed, or their lives may be misinterpreted. Most often, media portray Koreans as the model minority. Seoul Food wittingly and subtly unpacks these perceptions with a candidness and humor that will cause readers to rethink their assumptions. As Korean music, drama, culture, and food have spiced the lives of many people across the globe, Seoul Food is a literary work that will find its home in your heart.
  • Fire Engines

    Eddie Baker

    Paperback (Shire Publications, Aug. 21, 2018)
    More complex and imposing than any other vehicle in the British emergency services, the fire engine has a long and interesting history. The earliest water pumps had been developed by the eighteenth century--basic manual pumps that had to be hauled around by people or horses, and were often only used on fire-insured premises. In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries horse-drawn, steam-powered fire engines, and eventually motorized fire engines, came to revolutionize firefighting, offering far greater versatility and the brigades came to be run by the municipalities. In this beautifully illustrated introduction, Eddie Baker charts the history of fire engines and their variants, and the increasingly complex equipment they have carried, such as high-rise ladders and high-pressure hoses. He also explains the wider history of the fire service and how the engines have been shaped by its needs and, most importantly, those of the firefighters themselves.