Sierra Cloud: A True Story About a Horse with Courage
Susan Byrne, Susan Byrne M.A. with Joan Stockbridge
(R&R Publications, March 15, 2003)
The tale of Sierra Cloud: A True Story about a Horse with Courage is about a one-year old filly (a young female horse) who is sexually assaulted by a stallion that gets loose one night. When Sierra Cloud returns home, she experiences many of the feelings that human child victims of sexual abuse experience. Told from Sierra Cloud's point of view, the story allows children to identify with the horse and project their feelings onto the animal. When Sierra Cloud is finally able to tell someone she trusts about the assault, her healing and recovery begin. Children learn that speaking out is a way to stop the abuse, and the story emphasizes the courage it takes for any victim to tell about abuse. This book has been read and edited by Master's and Ph.D. level mental health clinicians as well as by lay persons who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse. While designed for children ages 5-12 for use in therapeutic settings, Sierra Cloud may provide insight and healing to all ages. A writing and drawing journal to accompany the book is available through the store at