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Books published by publisher American Girl,2006.

  • Prints in the Sand: My Journey with Nanea

    Erin Falligant, Juliana Kolesova

    Paperback (American Girl, Aug. 21, 2017)
    The puka shells jingle in my hand. I don't want to lose them, so I slide the necklace over my head. But as I pull my hair out from under the string of shells, the ground drops from beneath my feet. I feel the whoosh of an ocean breeze, and then a pink mist covers my eyes . . . What if you suddenly found yourself in Nanea's hometown of Honolulu during World War Two? Together, you and Nanea could send secret messages for the war effort or work in a Victory Garden. You could learn how to hula dance or help a lost dog. As you read, you decide what happens by choosing your own path through this multiple-ending story.
  • Melody Ellison 3-Book Set

    Denise Lewis Patrick, Erin Falligant

    language (American Girl, June 23, 2016)
    Girls can enjoy adventures with Melody Ellison in this three-book boxed set. They'll have a front-row seat to the budding Motown music scene, discover what it means to raise your voice, and see what big changes are happening for the civil rights movement. They'll join a journey set in 1960s Detroit, where speaking up and singing out in the face of adversity is not always easy, but when challenges are met as a community, ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. Then they’ll travel back in time to meet Melody in an exciting story that lets them choose what happens next!
  • Lea Mini Doll & Book


    Paperback (AMERICAN GIRL, Jan. 1, 2016)
  • Doll STEM: Discover the worlds of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

    Emily Osborn, Thu Thai

    Paperback (American Girl, Feb. 19, 2018)
    What's your dream job? Whether it's to be an astronaut, toy engineer, veterinarian, paleontologist, or architect, the sky's the limit! In this book, you'll learn some of the fun ways you and your doll can learn and play in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. Crafts include a space suit, stethoscope, drafting desk, telescope, and soundboard (all doll-sized) and more.
  • Lanie's Real Adventures

    Jane Kurtz, Tamara England, Robert Papp

    Paperback (American Girl, Jan. 1, 2010)
    Lanie is delighted that her aunt has returned and her wild garden is taking off--but her next door neighbor is not happy that Lanie is growing a "weed garden" right in their suburban neighborhood, next to her prize roses. She threatens to report Lanie and her family to the neighborhood association for violating the landscaping rules. Meanwhile, Lanie is horrified that the neighbor is using poison sprays in her garden, right next to where Lanie is trying to attract butterflies. Lanie wants to spread the word in her community about the benefits of natural gardening and nontoxic pest control, but when an opportunity arises, she falls short. Discouraged at first, Lanie finds another way, as she and her friends plan a garden festival at the Community Garden where she's been volunteering. Despite their initial lack of interest in her outdoor pursuits, her whole family pitches in to support the festival. On the day of the festival, Lanie and her neighbor find common ground--and a creative solution to their garden problem.
  • A Smart Girl's Guide: Crushes: Dating, Rejection, and Other Stuff

    Nancy Holyoke

    Paperback (American Girl, Aug. 24, 2020)
    Whether parents like it or not, romance is a part of girls' everyday lives. They see it in the media and hear about it from their friends and older family members. They may be having feelings they're not even sure how to define. It's all very exciting, but also very confusing for girls. This book helps answer all the questions popping up in her head: How can you tell if a person likes you? How do you tell someone you like them? What if you haven't had a crush yet? And, ugh, what about rejection? It includes tips and quizzes, plus age-appropriate and honest advice on navigating social situations and, most importantly, staying true to herself through any relationship.
  • Nanea Mini Doll

    American Girl

    Paperback (American Girl, Aug. 24, 2017)
    The 6.5" (16.5 cm) Nanea mini doll has painted eyes and long brown curls. Her smooth vinyl limbs are posable. She arrives in a tiny version of Nanea's outfit. Includes a mini abridged version of the book Growing up with Aloha.
  • Kit: Turning Things Around

    Valerie Tripp

    Paperback (American Girl, Feb. 18, 2020)
    For Kit, the Depression has brought big changes: a houseful of boarders, tons of chores, and no birthday party. Then Aunt Millie arrives, and it looks as if her great ideas might turn things around for the Kittredges. But when Kit's taste for adventure gets her into trouble, she discovers that the Depression has hit a lot of people far worse than her own family. Can one girl make a difference for homeless kids -- when even grownups have lost hope? The second book in Kit's stories is richly illustrated in full color and includes a peek into Kit's world in 1934.
  • Happy Birthday, Molly!

    Valerie Tripp

    language (American Girl, Dec. 1, 2012)
    Molly is excited to learn that an English girl is coming to stay at the McIntires’--just in time for Molly’s birthday! But Emily turns out to be different from the glamorous girl Molly pictured. Emily is shy and standoffish. Then Molly discovers she and Emily have some important things in common. The girls become fast friends and decide to celebrate Molly’s birthday with an English tea party. But they can’t agree on how to do it, and it takes a special birthday surprise to help them patch up their hurt feelings.
  • A Smart Girl's Guide to Starting Middle School

    Julie Williams Montalbano, Sara Hunt, Chris David

    Paperback (American Girl, July 1, 2004)
    Middle school is all about change. In the opening section, girls take a quiz to determine how they respond to change, then receive tips on how to cope with the big changes that they're getting ready to face as they start middle school- switching classes, getting up earlier, and having their own lockers, all while learning to manage a new school, new teachers, new friends, and LOTS more homework and activities! The secret to feeling more confident as she starts middle school is having a little insight into what to expect. This book provides that information as well as "Smart Girl's tips" from girls who have already made the grade in the big school.
  • Meet Marie-Grace

    Sarah M Buckey, Christine Kornacki

    Paperback (American Girl, Aug. 30, 2011)
    Marie-Grace Gardner has just arrived in New Orleans, and she hopes she never has to move again. The lively city is unlike any other place Marie-Grace has lived. When she meets Mademoiselle Océane, a talented opera singer, Marie-Grace longs to take lessons. She loves to sing, and she would like to get to know Cécile Rey, the confident girl who is Mademoiselle's student. But Marie-Grace is shy, and starting school reminds her how hard it is to make friends and fit in. Can an unexpected adventure help her feel as if she belongs in New Orleans?
  • Meet Cecile

    Denise Lewis Patrick, Christine Kornacki

    Paperback (American Girl, Aug. 30, 2011)
    Cecile Rey can't wait for Mardi Gras--New Orleans' dazzling season of parties and costume balls. For the grandest event of all, the Children's Ball, CĂ©cile is determined to come up with a fantastic costume like no one else's. Everyone will notice her! And after Mardi Gras, CĂ©cile beloved brother, Armand, will finally come home after two long years in faraway France. But Mardi Gras season turns out to be even more exciting than CĂ©cile expects when she meets a new girl named Marie-Grace Gardner. Together they form an unlikely friendship . . .and share a daring adventure!