Three Against The Wilderness.
Eric Collier
(E. P. Dutton, March 15, 1959)
Collier, a young Englishman, who first came to Canada in 1919, married a quarter-breed Indian girl, then took off into the primitive wilderness of British Columbia where he had been granted sole trapping rights to 150,000 acres. There they almost single-handedly brought the barren wilderness, ravaged by fires, back to life and in the process created a truly remarkable family relationship. This achievement was recognized by the British Columbia Game Dept. as a prime example of what a few individuals can do to bring back the natural wealth of an area. There is a story of their desperate attempt to get a winter's supply of grease by throwing a torch into a bear's cave. Another dramatic account is of a 4 year fight against a vicious wolf. Lillian, his wife, was almost killed by a moose. One exciting chapter tells of the heroism of Lillian to rescue her ill son by dashing across the icebound lake at night, which Eric lay desperately sick with the flu. A wonderful, exciting true story.