Jesus Of Nazareth - The Story Of His Life Simply Told
Mother Mary Loyola
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 31, 2008)
JESUS OF NAZARETH THE STORY OF HIS LIFE SIMPLY TOLD MOTHER MARY LOYOLA, Of the Bar Convent, York. PREFATORY NOTE. The pressure of an earnest invitation sent me from America must be my excuse for venturing to add another Life of Christ for the Young to the excellent , ones already existing. The aim proposed is to strengthen faith in our Lords Divinity, and to draw the hearts of children to Him by a personal love. To do this within the limits assigned, it has seemed better to omit a certain amount of matter rather than sacrifice detailed descriptions of leading facts, which by impressing the imagination leave a vivid picture in the mind. JVhere different views, as to chronoiogy, etc., pre-I vail, I have adopted the one supported by the greater number of Catholic authors. To the following books of reference in particular I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness La Sainte Bible, by M. 17Abb6 L. C. Fillion. The Christ the Son of God, by the Abb6 Fouard. Jesus Christ, by PBre Didon, 0. P. Life of Jesus Christ, by Fr. Maas, S. J. Life of Our Life, by Fr. Cderidge, S. J. The Passion, by Phre Ollivier, 0. P. ix X. PREFATORY NOTE. Dictionuire de la S. Bible, by the Abb6 F. Vigourom Cambridge Conzpa tiont o the Bible. Helps to the Siudy of the Bible. St. Luke, by the Right Iiev. Ngr. Ward. Jesus the illessial, b y Dr. Edersheim. Sketches of Jcwish Social Life, by Dr. Edersheim. The Resurrection of Christ, by G. W. B. Bllarsh, B. A. Holy Gospel , ilccording io St. John, by the Very Rev. J. MacIntyre. Should this little book help even a few children of the great Catholic Church of America, so free, vigorous, and expanding, to withstand the infidelity of the day, and lead them to a tender, personal love of Jesus Christ, it will have happily attained its end. M. LOYOLA. FOREWORD FROM CAEDINAL GIBBONS. We all realize that the children form the most pre cious portion of the flock committed to our care. The little ones were very dear to the heart of our Blessed Lord Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of God. a r k 10. 14. Hence we are all willing with St. Paul to spend ourselves, and be spent in a special manner for the sake of the dear children. In their turn the children are destined to be the people and-we know that impressions are the more abiding when made in the time of youth A young man according to his way, even when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov. 22. 6. Whoever contributes toward implanting the seeds of piety and virtue in the minds of children, has a special claim to the promise of the Rely Ghost They that instruct many to justice, shall shine as stars for all eternity. Dan. 12. 3. The most efficient way of forming the youthful heart to virtue and piety is to cause the love of God to p edominate over the fear of God Be ye followers of God, as most dear children and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us, an ob lation and a sacrifice to God for an odo o fr s weetness. Eph. 5. l. Again the Beloved Disciple tells us xi xii FOREWORD. Every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is charity. Fear is not in charity but perfect charity casteth out fear, because fear hath pain...