The Secret of Ghost Island
Ellen Harveaux
(, June 19, 2015)
The Secret of Ghost Island was a finalist for AuthorU's National "Draft To Dream" Book Competition Award.Also a finalist for Florida's Writers Association in Juvenile Fiction.This is the story of eleven-year old Hannah Haviland, whose parents have a station on the Underground Railroad in Ohio, helping slaves escape into Canada.One slave, Elijah, who has come through their station, makes Hannah promise that she will keep an eye out for his two daughters, also on the run. Hannah promises to watch for them but soon feels compelled to actively search for the girls. When wanted posters of the girls appear in town, and bounty hunters come to the Haviland house looking for runaways, Hannah and Jonathan, her Quaker friend, begin a race against time to find the girls and help them flee to Canada. But how do you find someone who is hiding? And how do convince them you are on their side; you will not hand them over to bounty hunters?