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Books published by publisher Michael P Mardel

  • Walkabout Dreaming: Aboriginal Australia: a short introduction

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, Sept. 27, 2015)
    Do you know how old is the culture of Aboriginal Australia? Some say it is 60,000 years. That is a very long time and archaeologists are finding evidence of this all the time. I have been to Lake Mungo which is near Mildura and the Murray River. It is now a dry expanse with no trees in the middle where the lake was. Did it dry up because of climate change or did something cataclysmic happen? On the edge of the lake are sand dunes and over the centuries middens of discarded shellfish are being exposed by the wind.Their story is oral so there is no written record of their lives. In this book you may read some of the stories, often to explain creation. The Australian Museum has many but they are no longer available online as the stories belong to the people retelling them.Then Captain Cook arrived and thousands died as the white man pushed further from the capital cities to find farming land and to run sheep. Now they are leaving the land because of the drought.
  • Storyteller Walkabout Workbook: write your own historical story in 10 easy lessons

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, July 13, 2015)
    Do you like telling stories or listening to them? This book takes you by the hand and look at what was happening in post-war Australia. Do you have a grandparent who was growing up in this time? Have you ever asked them what it was like before television and big supermarkets? Where did they shop and how did they get there? Did they have to walk or catch a bus, a train or a tram? What appliances did they have in the home? Television didn’t come onboard for most people until after the 1956 Olympic Games. There are exercises to help you with your story of your relative plus questions you can use and a letter to invite them to tell their story. Maybe you know someone in your community who would like to help you. It’s all here.
  • A mermaid and a seahorse: adventure on the high seas

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, )
  • The Journal of Paul O'Leary: from the city to the outback

    Mr Michael P Mardel

    Paperback (Michael P Mardel, March 13, 2013)
    Book award winner.A boy's adventure, from cool temperates to the tropics. Follow Paul as he and his Dad and the dog leave Melbourne in Victoria to join up with his mother 4,000 kms away in the tropics of Broome, Western Australia. Paul does pretty much everything that he did in Melbourne, plus joining the scouts and learning to play tennis. School starts an hour earlier which means there is more time to join up with his mates and play footy and cricket. Life in the tropics: It's hot and humid and air conditioning is a must. The dog can't be walked too far in the day time and everyone has to drink plenty of water. Tennis: Tennis lessons are in the late afternoon when it is a little cooler. This is usually after school and Paul's Dad drives him to the recreation centre called BRAC. Paul's small hands mean he has to have a smaller racquet.Scouts: Paul's new best friend is Marcus and he's in the scouts, too. They have lots of adventures and do community work like tidying up Cable Beach.A group of boys bought this book for their reading badge. The leader's son read it in one night and was hooked. I ordered more copies from Melbourne and presented each boy or girl a copy at the launch. The area leader also came from Darwin.Scroll up and grab a copy today.
  • Paul O'Leary: trouble on the farm

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, )
  • Paul O'Leary: overseas adventures

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, )
  • Australian short stories for boys & girls

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, )
  • The Journal of Paul O'Leary: from the city to the outback.

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, )
  • Paul O'Leary Trilogy

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael Patrick Mardel, )
  • Being Untwisted: Deciphering Christianity's Malignant, Evolving, Ulterior Purpose

    Mike Marty

    language (Michael Marty, July 2, 2016)
    The young, ambitious employees at radio station KLUV have a common belief that life is worth living. They are constantly inspired and challenged by the principles of honesty and love which they feel are at the pinnacle of the meaning of life. They believe that these two truths used in harmony can make life very enjoyable and ultimately worth the effort.In this collection of confessional and explorative essays, nine of them have pieced together a vast array of their lives' experiences into a basic framework of their perceived truths about faith and life. They believe strongly that they've presented a thorough account of their beliefs, and they feel that the chosen topics are broadly comprehensive in their scope.If, in fact, both "believers" and "non-believers" in our country today are, more often than not, mistakenly misled with regard to the original, historical, and contemporary encapsulations of Christian knowledge and requisite conduct, Being Untwisted begins the work of alleviating the mistakes.Love the truth; love it, don't loathe it.
  • Australian short stories for boys

    Michael Mardel

    eBook (Michael P Mardel, Sept. 18, 2018)
    10 short stories of 10 middle grade boys having an adventure. Some stories are historical, some are set in Australia.There’s a mermaid romance in Girl in a Red Dress, a golden son from the Goldfields, a ball boy in Game, Set, Match, horse training in the Brumby, refugee children in a Long Way to Freedom, high seas and Lord Nelson in All at Sea, and a traveling man in Flames and Wells and Sacred sites in Ireland. There’s a boy wanting to catch rabbits so he may buy a scout uniform. There’s a dog which tells us of his travels up the east coast of Australia. And then there’s the boy whose father disappears in The White Shirt.
  • The Snow Alien volume 8

    Mr Michael J P P

    Paperback (Michael J P, Dec. 3, 2015)
    It is Time Hero training for Jake and co. when they go through a portal and learn about regular magic and hero magic. But the question is- Can they trust a time villain? Oh, and there is a BIG snow battle too