Ronny and the Ski Accident
Eitan Friedman
(Contento, Aug. 14, 2015)
The orthopedic surgeon, the doctor responsible for all thepeople who had broken bones that day, came to see me.The orthopedist looked at the results of the X-ray on thecomputer and at the rest of the tests they’d run on me andsaid, “The shin bone is fractured. Since there has been nomovement, it will not be necessary to operate, but he willneed to be in a cast for at least four weeks. Maybe evensix weeks.” He just blurted that out without looking at meor Mom or Dad and without even thinking that six weeksin a cast leaves me only two weeks without a cast. “Dad,Sasha, the championship!”Eleven-year-old Ronny Smith, member of the children’sski team, was planning to win the Utah Statewide JuniorSki Championship. An unexpected ski accident disruptshis plans. Ronny fractures his shin bone.What is a bone? What is a fracture? Does it hurt? Whatdo you see in an X-ray? What is the orthopedic surgeon’sjob? Will the broken leg prevent Ronny from winning theskiing championship?