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Books with author eth clifford

  • The wind has scratchy fingers,

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Follett Pub. Co, March 15, 1962)
  • I Never Wanted to Be Famous

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, April 1, 1986)
    After thirteen-year-old Goody becomes a hero in his small town for saving a choking infant, he must cope with the pressures of fame and the schemes of his ambitious mother
  • Harvey's Wacky Parrot Adventure

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, April 1, 1990)
    Harvey and his least favorite cousin Nora become embroiled in the search for a hidden treasure somewhere in Uncle Buck's house, with the only clue to its location held by a loudmouthed parrot.
  • The Strange Reincarnations of Hendrik Verloom

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Oct. 1, 1982)
    Anna, already worried by her grandfather's insistence that he has led many previous lives, begins to fear that he is responsible for a series of hoaxes plaguing their apartment building.
  • Help, I'm a Prisoner in the Library!

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Perfection Learning, Feb. 1, 1991)
    Book by Clifford, Eth
  • Harvey's Marvelous Monkey Mystery

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Jan. 1, 1987)
    Vintage book in pretty good condition! Harvey's Marvelous Monkey Mystery.
  • Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library

    Eth Clifford

    Paperback (Scholastic, Feb. 1, 1985)
  • Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library!

    Eth Clifford

    Paperback (Scholastic, Jan. 1, 1979)
    Old book, different cover, but in pristine condition!
  • The Remembering Box

    Eth Clifford

    School & Library Binding (San Val, Oct. 16, 1992)
  • Anyhow Stories: Moral and Otherwise

    Clifford Clifford

    Paperback (Forgotten Books, Aug. 19, 2012)
    Frontispiece. THEN SHE KISSED THEM .. .. To face page 10 IT REALLY IS A MOST BEAUTIFUL THING IS A PEARDRUM .... ,, 15 SHE SAT DOWN ON THE LOWER STEP OF THE STILE ,, 50 MARY LEE BEGAN TO CRY .- .- .. ,, 58 SHE SAT DOWN ON A BIG STONE .. ,61 WELL, LOOK AT YOUR BABYS LEGS, SAID BETSY -. -. ,.. .,, 81 A FAIR LITTLE CHILD WITH GOLDEN HAIR .- ,, 85 DO ALL FISH LIVE IN THE SEA ?. .,, 87 ILL SING A SONG OF SUMMER-TIME .. ,, 91 WELL BUILD A THRONE UPON THE SAND .,, 92 A LITTLE GROUP OF CHILDREN ROUND THE DOOR OF THE FORGE i .. ,, 105 THE BOY WAS TURNING OVER THE LEAVES OF A BOOK .(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at
  • Flatfoot Fox and the Case of the Missing Eye

    Eth Clifford

    Paperback (Demco Media, Dec. 1, 1992)
    Tells the story of how Flatfoot Fox, the world's greatest detective, solves the mystery of Fat Cat's stolen glass eye
  • The Remembering Box

    Eth Clifford

    Hardcover (Perfection Learning, Oct. 16, 1992)