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Books with author christopher stokes

  • Knights, Pancakes & Dragons

    Christopher Stinton

    eBook (Christopher Stinton, Dec. 3, 2019)
    ABOUT THE BOOKIn a land filled with dragons, castles, giants, and more, two pancake-loving brothers follow in their father's footsteps to become knights. However, because of Tommy's special needs, the mean king refuses to grant the boy knighthood. Tommy's older brother, Chris, just wants what's best for his little brother and vows to prove the king wrong. But when evil fills the land, the brothers are separated and embark on a clashing adventure. Can Tommy and Chris save their kingdom from an icy doom and prove their worth?FROM THE AUTHOROne of the goals of my book is to help raise autism awareness in a fun storytelling way for all ages.As a father of a non-verbal boy on the spectrum, I was inspired to write and create these characters based on him and his older brother in a fantasy world. Autism is not a bad thing, it is simply different and unique, because to me, normal is boring.Contact Information:Christopher StintonEmail:
  • 666 The Mark of America, Seat of the Beast: The Apostle John's New Testament Revelation Unfolded


    Paperback (Worldwide United Publishing, Oct. 12, 2006)
    FOR MORE This book, exposes the stunning truth about America and its connection with 666, which the reader will learn, represents nothing more than MONEY. The American Dream of prosperity is unmasked as the great engine designed to serve the elite and fulfill their selfish desires. Not only does the book give a simple explanation of every chapter and verse of Revelation, but it also discloses the truth about America, human nature, and the reality of the world in which we live. Brilliant yet simple explanations leave the reader doubtless as to how and why the American empire is destroying our environment and peace at an alarming rate. Discover the means by which powerful corporations, banks, and governments advance the global empire by “determining the worth of products and human life” while they “acquire riches…leaving the majority impoverished, unequal and unhappy.” Most importantly, a SOLUTION of how WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD is given in plainness.
  • Mr Whoopee and Parpy Parrot: funny children's story book for early readers

    Angela Stokes, Christopher Stokes

    eBook (, Aug. 1, 2014)
    If you like gross humor for kids like then you will love these two stories.Two Illustrated Short Stories of Flatulence Filled Fun. WARNING: These stories contain the word 'FART' numerous times :) Mr Whoopee: A misunderstood whoopee cushion who just wants a friend who will play with him without wanting to sit on him and hear him fart, even a friendly teacher cant resist the urge to hear him parp. Do you think he will get one?Parpy Parrot: A bonus poem about a parrot with a serious flatulence problem, he just cant stop farting no matter what he does, he is most definitely a parrot you don't want to be near when he starts to blow off, and whatever you do don't give him a carrot!So if you like farting and are up for an illustrated adventure full of fun and laughs, then wait no longer, download Mr Whoopee and Parpy Parrot now..Free to amazon prime members on the kindle owners lending library.
  • Forgotten Fruits: A guide to Britain's traditional fruit and vegetables from Orange Jelly turnips and Dan's Mistake gooseberries

    Christopher Stocks

    Paperback (Windmill, June 16, 2009)
    In an era of supermarket conformity, Forgotten Fruits is not only a survey of the incredible number of fruit and vegetable varieties available in Britain today, but also a fascinating work of natural and social history.From the Hardcover edition.

    Christopher Nokes

    eBook (Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc., June 11, 2017)
    Chronicles of Greenwood: Book Oneby Christopher NokesWhat happens to forgotten but loved stuffed animals? Come on an adventure with Harley, Cee Bear, Plato, Agatha and others to discover if the legend of Greenwood is really true. Could it be that there is a place where all stuffed animals can play and live forever? Or, as rumor has it, perhaps even fly? Join the ragtag community of plush but persevering “people” as they determine to find out for themselves. Journey with them through dangers and doubts, and you, too, may come to believe that loving kindness, once learned, continues on forever.About the Author Christopher Nokes is a recovering architect of twenty years, having achieved his degree in architecture from the University of Toronto in 1978 with a later degree in education, also from U of T. He has taught International Baccalaureate Visual Arts for the last nineteen years. Nothing qualifies Nokes to write a middle grade adventure trilogy more than his powerful visual, literary, historical, philosophical and cultural perspective acquired through a wide-ranging love of reading and study. He is married to art consultant Jane Elizabeth Nokes. Being the proud father of three beautiful sons (in order of appearance) Jeremy Brock, Johnathan Blair, and Jamie Brendan, qualifies him even more as their early love for words, language, narrative, and their loving kindness towards their stuffed animals represented (as it does for all children) positive, first steps towards our first real integration with the society of people, other like-minded children, and the concept of empathy.
  • Feathered Dinosaurs

    Christopher Sloan

    Hardcover (National Geographic Children's Books, Oct. 1, 2000)
    Starting with the discovery of the strange Archaeopteryx fossil in 1861, the author traces the growing evidence that the theropod family of flying dinosaurs slowly evolved into the modern birds we see today.
  • Undercover Tailback


    Paperback (scholastic, Aug. 16, 1992)
    Undercover Tailback by Matt Christopher - Illustrated by Paul Casale - Paperback - Publisher: Scholastic (1992) - 145 pages - ISBN: 0-590-48558-X - Quality shipping materials guarantee perfect transit from our location to yours. Prompt delivery and e-mail notifications are given to each and every buyer. View our additional Matt Christopher novels!
  • Abraham Lincoln and Sand Creek: Abraham Lincoln's involvement and Native American Policies

    Christopher Savio

    language (Hardball History Publishers, April 17, 2015)
    When thinking of Native American History or any history for that matter, “All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” Friedrich NietzscheThe above quote describes what Hardball History desires to explore and bring to light. Too many times in our history the powerful determine whether or not truth, as it is, will be taught and known or whether it will be modified and disseminated. As a people we need to find the truth in our past so that we can correctly apply it to our futures. The above quote has never been more correct than when it is applied to Native American history. In searching for the truth about the Sand Creek Massacre we, as a nation must find the truth, apply it, and make sure that it never happens again. Not only will you be shown facts about Native American History in this book, but you will also be shown facts about Abraham Lincoln you may never have known!Learn about Abraham Lincoln’s true motives regarding Native American tribes!In addition to running the Civil War and desiring to keep the Union together, Lincoln also desired to open up the West. His decisions most definitely impacted Native American history and tribes all over America. After the Civil War he desired to make sure that America continued to plunder the riches just over the horizon. Out west citizens were afraid of Native Americans trying to take advantage of Americas depleted manpower due to the Civil War. Just how far did Abraham Lincoln’s desires go and how did his desires lead to the Sand Creek Massacre? Find out in The Lincoln Murders Sand Creek. It will make you look at Native American History like you never have before.Learn more Native American history such how the Cheyenne desired Peace, but were continually hunted down!It is horrifying that the people who were murdered at Sand Creek continually asked for peace and were turned away simply because they were Native American. Unfortunately, this was a recurring theme all through Native American History. Why did this happen? Was it because people didn’t care and were to self-involved in the Civil War? Who was behind it? Did Abraham Lincoln have anything to do with it? This is a part of Native American history you should not miss!Learn in detail the facts behind the Sand Creek Massacre!History books rarely, if ever, go into detail about the Sand Creek Massacre, or much about Native American History. Why is that? Is it because this is something few historians want to include in Abraham Lincoln’s biography? It's because other history books care little about Native Americans? After reading this detailed history about the Sand Creek massacre you will have a complete understanding of the event. It is also written in a gripping fashion unlike anything you remember from your history classes. You will have the complete picture of at least one event in Native American History that includes the politics, attitudes, and desires of a president during the Civil War era.Was Abraham Lincoln Complicit in Murder?Many figures in our history have had desires to go west and make money. Abraham Lincoln was no different except in his case he may not have wanted to make money, but he did desire to open up the lands in the western territories so that others could. Did this make him guilty of the charge? Does this make him the unfriendliest president during 19th century in regard Native American History? Find out with the evidence divulged in The Lincoln Murders Sand Creek. You may never view Native American History nor the Civil War era the same way again.About The AuthorChristopher Savio teachers Native American History in Northern New Jersey and is an instructor of Native American History for the University of California at San Diego. If you are freethinker and desire to know the truth by a copy
  • I Wish I Was A Cat

    Christopher Niles

    Paperback (Independently published, April 11, 2019)
    Madelynn is a very special girl that has faced many challenges. When her Daddy asked what her one wish would be she simply said, “I wish I was a cat.” This is a story of an amazing little girl getting her one wish.
  • Eric's Engineering Adventure

    Christopher Chan

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Oct. 23, 2018)
    Follow Eric's journey as he builds new things and sets his sight on the path to becoming an engineer. Eric's Engineering Adventure is a great way to introduce young children to the marvels of technology.
  • The Story of Typhon and Echidna

    Christopher Jones

    language (, Jan. 20, 2014)
    Mythology has always detailed the exploits of flawed gods and heroes, but I find the monsters more interesting because they are often misunderstood and subsequently scorned. Monsters are symbols of the oppressed in this world, and they need a voice to express their perspectives. We cannot hear their voices because the authors, through their silence, have denied many monsters’ perspectives. However, the monsters are the protagonists now and I share their experiences through The Story of Typhon and Echidna ©, which details the conjectural lives of the Greek monsters in their youth. (There are 70 completed written and illustrated pages). Plus, this is probably the first ever story from the point of view Echidna, Typhon and their children. This set of stories is an origin tale and I have the sequels written, but they are still awaiting illustration. This compilation of seven interconnecting children’s stories has an overarching theme about not judging others by their appearances. Some sub-themes that appear are learning how to play without hurting others, accepting others who are disfigured, teaching life lessons to siblings, helping the disabled, and building the confidence of those with body image insecurities. This story also details a scenario in which children may grow up without a father figure. Much of my work (children's books, novels, poems, screenplays) focuses on the increasingly relevant PTSD that victims of bullying experience. I often detail the perspectives of those who are persecuted and treated as monsters, whether they are creatures, insects, beasts, plants, or people. Since I consider myself an insect advocate, my writing encourages people to have more empathy and respect for insects, the little monsters who live among us giants. My primary goal as a writer is to prove that benevolent monsters can be just as gorgeous as those who are within the norm of modern aesthetics. If people accept this idea of monstrosity, society may one day see the extinction of bigoted eyes. As for how my illustrations were created, I hand drew the images, inked them with Sakura pens, scanned them into my computer and used Corel Painter 12 to touch up lines as well as color the layers. The goal of my drawing style is to be simple and expressive because I want these images to resemble the innocence of a child’s drawings. Without being too complex, these images should invite children to replicate the pictures through their own drawings. Although I used gradients for the backgrounds, I chose to not shade the characters so they would stand out more to a child’s eye.The Story of Typhon and Echidna also has a Facebook fan page at: may be a few subtle mistakes here and there, but keep in mind that this is my first children's book and I will edit them when I get a chance.Also, the two ants on the covers are Squishy (green) and Squeaky (blue) and will be getting their own series as well.
  • I Wish I Was A Cat

    Christopher Niles

    Madelynn is a special girl that has faced many challenges. When her Daddy asked what her one wish would be she said, "I wish I was a cat." This is a story of an amazing little girl getting her one wish.