Observations on the placenta of the rabbit
Walter William Chipman
(RareBooksClub.com, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902 Excerpt: ...In the region of the uterine sinuses the decidual cells are becoming more and more compressed by the ever-thickening fibrin-lamellae. They still contain glycogen but the granules are small. (Fig. 149.) Fig. Cxxxi. (12 days' Gestation showing Glycogen.) Region of uterine sinuses. A high-power view of sinus.with its perivascular sheath of uninucleate decidual cells rich in glycogen. The "corium " shows no glycogen. s, uterine sinus containing blood-clot; e, thickened endothelium; s,s', perivascular sheath, the dark granules of glycogen are distinct and lie always within the cells; c, "corium "; s, a second sinus with its sheath. In the zone of separation the glycogen persists in considerable quantity, there being only few of the uninucleate cells which do not contain at least one granule. The cells next the region of the uterine sinuses contain the largest granules. (Fig-150.) Fig. Cxxxii. (/.' days Gestation shoving Glycogen.) Drawing giving the general distribution of glycogen at this date of gestation. The thickness of the entire placenta is shown from the muscular wall of the uterine cornu below to the foetal surface above. The foetal placenta shows no glycogen. fp, //,', foetal placenta; ir, ir', intermediary region of maternal placenta; rs, rs', region of uterine sinuses of maternal placenta; m, muscular wall; s, s, uterine sinuses; ee. ec, ec, " ectoplacental columns," the axes of which are hollow and filled with maternal blood; rw, vascular mesoderm (nucleated foetal blood); g, g. g. g, glvcogen-granules in the multinucleate decidual cells; pss fs, perivascular sheaths of uninucleate decidual cells rich in glycogen. Gestation Sac Of 24 Days. (1) Fcetal tissue:--fcetus and fcetal placenta. The glycogen brown colouration is...