The tailed amphibians; including the cæcilians ...
William Henry Smith
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1877 Excerpt: ... Nigriventris. (2) l. Batraehoseps attenuatus, Eschscholtz. Synonym, Salamandra attenuata, Eschscholtz. Color above reddish brown with a black vertebral line and transverse diagonal bands; beneath brown; costal furrows twenty or twenty-one; limbs weak, hind one extending over four costal spaces, fore one not reaching to the gape of mouth; feet small and thin; toes free; tail longer than the body. Length 3 7-12 inches. Tail 21-12" Habitat San Francisco. 2. Batraehoseps nigriventris, Cope. Color above dark brown; tail and under surface black; muzzle short; gular fold marked; parotid groove pres ent; costal furrows twenty or twenty-one, extending upon the back; body somewhat compressed; limbs weak; hind ones extending over six costal spaces; fore limb almost reaching to the orbit; toes rudimentary, distinct; tail stout at base, nearly quadrate, strongly annulate, and compressed distally. Length 22 lines. Head to axilla 3 lines. Tail %y2" Breadth of head 1.7" Habitat Fort Tejon, California. 3. Batrachoseps Pacific us, Cope. Synonym, Hemidactylium Pacificum, Cope. Color uniform brown, yellowish beneath; head oval; elongate; muzzle round; eyes large, prominent; tongue eccentric oval; sphenoidal and vomerine teeth almost in contact; gular fold not marked, but represented by a line; costal furrows eighteen; fore limb extending to orbit, hind one reaching over seven and a half costal spaces; toes-palmate, inner quite rudimentary; tail slender, nearly cylindrical. Length 33 lines. Tail 17 Habitat Santa Barbara, California. 4. Batruchoseps quadridigitatus, Holbrook. Synonyms, Manculus quadridigitatus, Cope; Salamandra quadridigitata, Holbrook. Color dirty yellow, with minute dark brown spots or dorsal lines and irregular lateral spots of a similar shade...