Generydes; a romance in seven-line stanzas
William Aldis Wright
(, May 20, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1878 Excerpt: ...the waH. 3808 1 MS. Vficr. She and Mirabell mounted their palfreys and rode forth on their way. 122 MIRABELL AT FIRST FRUSTRATES SIR YVELL'S PLOT. When they were two miles from the town, MirabeH suspected something, and made her lady alight. Thanne on) hir way rideth Clarionas, 3809 ffuH Innocente was she of y in hir thought; Whanne thei were fro the town) ij myle of1 space, MirabeH demyd sone that it was nought: 3812 ffro the forest a wayward he them) brought, Thanne MyrabeH, prevely as sche myght, Made hir lady from) hir palferay a light. 3815 As they sat, Natanell came up, chasing a hart. Mirabell beckoned to him, And as thei sate to geder complayneng1, 3823 Came NataneH as fast as he myght ride, Chasyng1 an hart as he come Reynyng1; A none with att Mirabett had hym) aspied, 3826 With hir kerche she bekenyd hym) aside, And he futt curtesly left aH the chase, And streight to hir he come ther as she was. 3829 and told him that Sir Yvell had betrayed them. 'NataneH, for goddis loue, helpe,' quod she, 3830 'As for my lady here, Clarionas, Ser yueH hath betrayed bothe hir and me; Sayng1 suerly that he commaundyd was 3833 Be hir fader to bryng1 hir to the chase, Whiche hym) thought shuld be hir grete counfort, To see his huntyng1 And his disporte. 3836 SIK YVELL GIVES CLAEIONAS UP TO GENERYDES. 123 for thanne he wiH nott tary sekerly, And that he come as fast as he may hye; Now, good Natanett, think wele her vppon).' 'It shaH be do,' quod he, 'and that anone.' 3840 3843 To the Cite streight he toke the waye, And brought his maister harnes ther he was, And told hym) ther, withoute more delaye, Of1 ser yueH and of fayre Clarionas, Of1 her messaventur1 and how it was, And whanne Generides had hard! hym) wele, A none he lefte his huntyng1 euery dele. In this seaso...