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Books with author Wallace Delois Wattles

  • The Science of Getting Rich

    Wallace D. Wattles

    Hardcover (Wilder Publications, April 3, 2018)
    Wallace D. Wattles introduced the world to the power of positive thinking. He was a profound influence on Michael Losier and James Arthur Ray. With out Wattles "Science Of trilogy" there never would have been books such as The Laws of Attraction, The Science of Success, and the Power of Positive Thinking. Now you can go directly to the source!
  • The Science of Getting Rich

    Wallace D. Wattles

    Hardcover (, Aug. 10, 2019)
    First published in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich has never been out of print. In his short but powerful book, Wallace Wattles outlines a simple formula for self-actualization, following his profound belief that, "Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich."
  • The Science of Getting Rich

    Wallace D. Wattles

    Hardcover (Simon & Brown, Nov. 8, 2018)
  • The Science of Getting Rich

    Wallace D. Wattles

    MP3 CD (IDB Productions, March 15, 2019)
    The Science of Getting Rich The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by the New Thought Movement writer Wallace D. Wattles and published in 1910 by the Elizabeth Towne Company. The book is still in print. According to USA Today, the text is "divided into 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters that explain how to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, rather than competition, is the hidden key to wealth attraction." This book is based on the Hindu philosophies that One is All, and that All is One (Page one of Preface). The Science of Getting Rich is based upon what Wattles called "the Certain Way of Thinking." According to Mitch Horowitz, the editor-in-chief of the Jeremy Tarcher imprint of Penguin Books, which reprinted The Science of Getting Rich in 2007, Wattles' "Certain Way" descended from the "mental healing movement" that had started earlier with Phineas P. Quimby in the mid-19th century. As Horowitz explained to a reporter from the Washington Post, after experiencing relief from physical symptoms of discomfort or illness through Quimby's mental strategies, people began to wonder, "If my state of mind seems to have a positive influence over how I feel physically, what other things can it do? Can it lead to prosperity? Can it lead to happiness in my home? Can it lead to finding love and romance?" One result of such questioning was Wattles's application of Quimbian "mental healing" strategies to financial as well as physiological situations. (Wikipedia)