The Mesmerist's Apprentice
L.M. Jackson
(Arrow, May 4, 2009)
When the enigmatic Sarah Tanner re-opens her Dining and Coffee Rooms soon after a disastrous fire, the gossips of Leather Lane grudgingly admit she has €œthe luck of the devil.€ Yet when a local butcher is falsely accused of a heinous offence €” selling horsemeat €” it seems her luck has run out. Drawn into an evermore dangerous series of confrontations with a gang of youths who seem determined to put an innocent man out of business, Sarah Tanner€™s own livelihood looks set for ruin into the bargain.But what links the persecution of a humble butcher with a certain Dr. Stead €” a leading practitioner of the strange art of mesmerism €” and a desperate plea from Sarah€™s former lover, the aristocrat Arthur De Salle? As Sarah Tanner investigates, she increasingly fears that the mesmerist, patronized by the highest society, is a charlatan and his latest patient, the unwitting victim of a grotesque fraud.To preserve a family€™s honour, Sar