Adventures of Miss Patty's Goose & Other Friends
Trudy Gibson
(BookBaby, Dec. 2, 2018)
While on vacation more than thirty-five years ago, my husband and I purchased a big cement goose and placed it in our front yard. Through the changing of outfits and various props, the goose has earned quite a reputation. Almost every day, passing traffic slows, and some cars stop by the roadside, for children, and yes, grownups, to view the goose in its seasonal garb.Recently, I have felt inspired to share the goose – as well as other bird friends we have enjoyed through the years - with children who have not had an opportunity to meet Miss Patty's Goose. Thus, I present the book, The Adventures of Miss Patty's Goose and Other Friends, for your enjoyment.Miss Patty and Mr. Ben are fictitious names; however, all stories throughout the book are based on true events.