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Books with author Tristan Trubble

  • How to Raise Pigs

    Tristan Trubble

    language (CDI Publications, LLC, June 20, 2017)
    When it comes to raising livestock, pigs are another animal worth considering. Pigs will reduce the amount of waste around the homestead by consuming as much of it as possible; from table scraps to lawn clippings, and everything in between, pigs are voracious eaters. They get their size from having an enormous appetite and a less than stellar metabolism.Pigs come in a wide variety of sizes, from the small, little cute pygmy versions that some people keep as pets, to the big, round pork belly swine from which bacon is carved. All species of pig have similar characteristics, so if you’re just getting started with livestock, you might want to try your hand at raising a small pet pygmy first. This will give you some insight on what to expect, on a much larger scale, when you pick up a big pig species to raise for food.Pork meat is considered a healthy source of protein and nourishment, which may be a concern for some preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders. Raising pigs is a little different than raising cattle, or goats, and this book walks you through what to expect from your swine from start to finish. To Your Safety, Security & Sustenance, Tristan Trubble
  • How to Raise Cattle

    Tristan Trubble

    eBook (CDI Publications, LLC, June 20, 2017)
    Raising livestock, such as cattle, used to be a common practice among homesteaders and early settlers. These people used cattle for many of the same things we do today; for food, milk, and to tan leather for clothes and other goods. They also used cattle as draft animals when horses were scarce; to pull carts, farm equipment, and wagons full of products.Currently, most cattle farmers operate an institution of the industrial food chain, rather than butchering their livestock for self-sustenance. Should a survival situation of epic proportions ever befall us, raising cattle for food will once again be a common trait among those fortunate enough to survive.This guide books walks the novice rancher through the process of raising cattle, from calving to butchering, this book covers quite a bit. This book is full of the knowledge and skills you will require if you have the desire to raise cattle for any purpose, or for a multitude of purposes. If you’ve never raised cattle before, this is the book for you. To Your Safety & Security,Tristan Trubble
  • How to Raise Cattle

    Tristan Trubble

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 20, 2017)
    Raising livestock, such as cattle, used to be a common practice among homesteaders and early settlers. These people used cattle for many of the same things we do today; for food, milk, and to tan leather for clothes and other goods. They also used cattle as draft animals when horses were scarce; to pull carts, farm equipment, and wagons full of products. Currently, most cattle farmers operate an institution of the industrial food chain, rather than butchering their livestock for self-sustenance. Should a survival situation of epic proportions ever befall us, raising cattle for food will once again be a common trait among those fortunate enough to survive. This guide books walks the novice rancher through the process of raising cattle, from calving to butchering, this book covers quite a bit. This book is full of the knowledge and skills you will require if you have the desire to raise cattle for any purpose, or for a multitude of purposes. If you’ve never raised cattle before, this is the book for you. To Your Safety & Security, Tristan Trubble
  • How to Raise Pigs

    Tristan Trubble

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 20, 2017)
    When it comes to raising livestock, pigs are another animal worth considering. Pigs will reduce the amount of waste around the homestead by consuming as much of it as possible; from table scraps to lawn clippings, and everything in between, pigs are voracious eaters. They get their size from having an enormous appetite and a less than stellar metabolism. Pigs come in a wide variety of sizes, from the small, little cute pygmy versions that some people keep as pets, to the big, round pork belly swine from which bacon is carved. All species of pig have similar characteristics, so if you’re just getting started with livestock, you might want to try your hand at raising a small pet pygmy first. This will give you some insight on what to expect, on a much larger scale, when you pick up a big pig species to raise for food. Pork meat is considered a healthy source of protein and nourishment, which may be a concern for some preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders. Raising pigs is a little different than raising cattle, or goats, and this book walks you through what to expect from your swine from start to finish. To Your Safety, Security & Sustenance, Tristan Trubble