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Books with author Tomlinson Lauresa

  • Munchie and Goldie - Most Unlikely Friends

    Lauresa A Tomlinson

    Paperback (Lauresa Tomlinson, June 26, 2018)
    Munchie and Goldie - Most Unlikely Friends, is a picture book for all ages from 3 mo. to the young of heart. The book is 84 pages with 41 full color pictures.Munchie is a forested park squirrel and gathers food and entertains hiself. Until one day he wonders down to the small lake and happens to meet Goldie. Glodie is a goldfish that someone turned lose in the lake. It seem that Goldie had gotten too large to keep. Munchie and Goldie find that they have semular dreams and love playing games together. They become best friends despite thier differences. Come along and find out about their dreams and how one day one of their adentures helps them to undersand things a little better.
  • There's an Alien in My Cereal

    Lauresa A Tomlinson, Lauresa Tomlinson

    Hardcover (Lauresa Tomlinson, July 28, 2018)
    Arthor has a favorite cereal and has been collecting the action figures that company came up with. But this morning, he ran out, so he and his mom goes after another box, He is hoping to find the newest action figure, after all it came out today. When they got back home, his mom stopped him from digging through the box this time. After pouring a bowl he noticed something in the box but was disappointed after seeing it wasn't the action figure that had been advertised. Little did he know the adventure that awaited him. Come a long and see for yourself.
  • The Turning Stone

    Lauresa A. A. Tomlinson, Lauresa Tomlinson

    eBook (Lauresa Tomlinson, Feb. 14, 2019)
    Bow is a young boy of mixed heritage that is being bullied. But there is hope and help from unexpected sources. There is adventures with magic and an old shaman, ancient symbols and the old story of the Ice Crossing that has been passed down for generations and that most American Indian tribes have all but forgotten. Bow discovers a peacful and more powerful way to deal with problems.
  • The Turning Stone

    Lauresa A Tomlinson, Lauresa Tomlinson

    (Lauresa Tomlinson, Feb. 14, 2019)
    Bow is a young boy of mixed heritage that is being bullied. But there is hope and help from unexpected sources. There is adventures with magic and an old shaman, ancient symbols and the old story of the Ice Crossing that has been passed down for generations and that most American Indian tribes have all but forgotten. Bow discovers a peacful and more powerful way to deal with problems.
  • Secretly Special: You May be Special too

    Lauresa A. Tomlinson, Lauresa Tomlinson

    (Lauresa Tomlinson, Nov. 20, 2018)
    Secretly Special is about four children that have problems because they are a little different from others. They are teased and bullied in school. They feel alone untill one day they find each other. After meeting they find that each of them have a secret that helps them hold on to their selfworth. It helps them secretly walk tall. Maybe you have a secret like theirs. Come along and see if you have a special secret.
  • Secretly Special: You May be Special too

    Lauresa A Tomlinson

    eBook (Lauresa Tomlinson, Nov. 20, 2018)
    Secretly Special is about four children that have problems because they are a little different from others. They are teased and bullied in school. They feel alone untill one day they find each other. After meeting they find that each of them have a secret that helps them hold on to their selfworth. It helps them secretly walk tall. Maybe you have a secret like theirs. Come along and see if you have a special secret.
  • Meet Me by the Steel Men

    Theresa Tomlinson

    Paperback (Walker Books, Jan. 5, 1998)
  • Crazy DeJa' Vu

    Lauresa A Tomlinson, Lauresa Tomlinson

    Paperback (Lauresa Tomlinson, March 20, 2019)
    Rita has lived in the same area for the last twenty years. She is a waitress at The Rooster Cafe and enjoys working there. She has to ride the bus 30 minutes to and from works. But doesn't mind the ride. It gives her a change to visit with her best friend, Nell. They both love mysteries and the stranger the better. When given a chance they like playing jr. detective. After Rita's boss brings in a large painting to hopefully bring in more customers, things start getting really strange. It almost becomes a domino effect. Come along and find out what happend.
  • Haunted House Blues

    Theresa Tomlinson

    Paperback (Walker Books, Sept. 1, 1996)
  • Secretly Special: You May be Special too

    Lauresa A Tomlinson

    Paperback (Lauresa Tomlinson, Nov. 20, 2018)
    Secretly Special is about four children that have problems because they are a little different from others. They are teased and bullied in school. They feel alone untill one day they find each other. After meeting they find that each of them have a secret that helps them hold on to their selfworth. It helps them secretly walk tall. Maybe you have a secret like theirs. Come along and see if you have a special secret.
  • Elaytay's Adventures in Space and Time -

    Tomlinson Lauresa

    Paperback (Lauresa Tomlinson, Aug. 1, 2019)
    Elaytay was a young space cadet when we first met her. We traveled along with her as she grew up. We have had a chance to meet all kinds of the strange beings and bizarre animals that she enteracted with in the first two books.We when she got back to Cyterrious this time, she finds that they have developed a way to time travel. So now we get to be observers on each trip. Each chapter is a totally different adventure in time and space.
  • There's an Alien in My Cereal

    Lauresa A. Tomlinson

    eBook (Lauresa Tomlinson, Nov. 21, 2018)
    When Yawlo left Springbo he was thinking of just a short visit to Earth to see for himself if Earthlings were as mean as he had been told. He has big problems when he enters Earth's gravilty. How is he to get back home to Springbo? How is he to find his ship? Things on Earth are so large compared to Yawlo. Whe Yawlo meet Arthor the adventure and friendship begins. Does he get home?