Adam Carter
(Adam Carter, July 9, 2016)
Moving from place to place, world to world, the Circuit is a self-contained community of racers with its own laws and rules. Riding whatever animals they find, the Circuit broadcasts races to its fans all across the system. When the Circuit travels to the infamous dinosaur world of Ceres, Glory and her ex-husband Grease compete even more fiercely to be the greatest racers in history. With dinosaurs as their steeds, their viewing figures are like nothing ever known before.However, it is not long before accidents begin to happen and racers are injured. As the attacks continue it becomes clear there is someone on Ceres with a grudge against the Circuit. Glory and Grease are ordered to cease racing, but with the chance of reaching so many more viewers it is something neither wishes to contemplate.With the attacks increasing and the list of suspects growing, Glory and Grease strive to prove to the entire solar system just who is the greatest dino-racer of all time.The latest in a series of stand-alone stories set on the quarantined dinosaur world Ceres.