A complete dictionary of the English language, both with regard to sound and meaning Volume 1
Thomas Sheridan
(RareBooksClub.com, May 10, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1790 Excerpt: ...degree of perfection beyond the common glass; Crystals, in chymistry, express salts or other matters shot or congealed in manner of crystal. CRYSTAL, krls'-tul. a. Consisting of crystal; bright, clear, transparent, lucid, pellucid. CRYSTALLINE, »$$-»«« a. Consisting of crystal; bright, clear, pellucid, transparent. CRYSTALLINE HUMOUR, kris'tal-line u'-mur. s. The second humour of the eye, that lies immediately next to the aqueous behind the uvea. CRYSTALLIZATION, krls-tal-lyza'-fliun. s. Congelation into crystals. The mass formed by congelation or concretion. To CRYSTALLIZE, kris'-tal-llze. v. a. To cause to congeal or concrete in crystals. To CRYSTALLIZE, kris'-tal-llze. v. n. To coagulate, congeal, concrete, or (hoot into crystals. CUB, kub'. s. The young of a beast, generally of a bear or fox; the young of a whale; in reproach, a young boy or girl. To CUB, Mb', v. a. To bring forth. Little used. CUBATION, ki-ba'-Mn. s. The act of lying down. CUBATORY, ku'-ba-tur-y. a. Recumbent. CUBATURE, ki'-ba-ture. s. The.finding exactly the solid content of any proposed body. CUBE, ku'be. s. A regular solid body, consisting of six square and equal faces or sides, and the angles all right, and therefore equal. CUBE ROOT, ku'be r6't. ) s. CUBICK ROOT, ku'-blk ro't. f The origin of a cubick number. CUBICAL, ku'-W-lcil. ) a. Having CUiiICK, ku'-blk. i the form or properties of a cube; it is applied to numbers: the number of four multiplied into itself, produceth the square number of sixteen, and that again multiplied by sour produceth the cubick number os sixty-four. CUEICALNESS, ku'-M-kal-nis. s. The state or quality of being cubical. CUBICULARY, ku-blk'-ku-lar-y.a. Fitted for the posture of lying down. CUBIFORM, ku'-by-forra. a. Of the shape of a cu...