The Legend of Danny MacArthur
Thomas McGlone
(, Nov. 25, 2019)
A short but interesting work discussing politics, religion, and mental health.I think I hate Trump so much because he and I are the same person. We both come from wealthy families, we both fall for conspiracy theories, we both love the ladies, and we both have somewhat of a power complex. It’s like staring into a mirror and it’s eerie. Plus, Sacha Baron Cohen interviewed him once and asked what people like most and Trump said music. I couldn’t agree more. I’m not saying he’s not smart, I just think he’s shady and dishonest. I hope he doesn’t get elected in 2020. Hopefully the voters will take a stand and vote him out of office.If the left had their way, we would have transgender bathrooms everywhere. Whatever. If the right had their way, we would all carry guns and confederate flags. I just think the right is more dangerous.Even if America is to become a state of social capitalism, it would be impossible to revert to a state of feudalism, which many conservatives fear, because we have a system of checks and balances that prevents this from happening.Republicans try to label everything the Democrats do as socialist. It bothers me. Socialism means government control over industry; universal healthcare and affordable college plans are not socialist, they are called “social capitalism,” or capitalism with a human element. Capitalism without regulation, that is, putting profit above people, is what we had before unions began. Do we want to revert to a time when children worked in mines and died at 30? I should hope not.