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Books with author The New York Times Editorial Staff

  • Sex and Sexuality

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    Sex and sexuality remain contentious issues in twenty-first century America, dividing the country across religious and cultural lines. This volume traces the evolution of attitudes on gay and lesbian issues, transgender identities, women's rights, and sexual behaviors and consent. Going from the mid-twentieth century to the present day, the articles speak to the ongoing debate as writers and journalists attempt to make sense of the diverse sexual expressions found in human society and document the struggles toward greater acceptance and tolerance.
  • Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    The worlds of finance and technology have been rocked by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: encrypted digital currency created by complex computer algorithms. First developed in 2009 and launching several speculative frenzies, cryptocurrencies have created and destroyed fortunes over their turbulent history. Across years of New York Times articles, readers will discover the unfolding story of a technology that, while rarely performing as promised, has produced profound effects that cannot be ignored.
  • Marijuana

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    Today's headlines shine light on the growing trend toward the legalization of marijuana, a psychoactive drug derived from the cannabis plant whose use cuts across diverse classes of people. In this compilation of articles, readers encounter a journalistic history of cannabis use. Successive phases of fear (often coupled with racist attitudes toward Mexicans and Latinos) and embrace (by hippies, U.S. soldiers in Vietnam, and other segments of the counterculture) have often clouded sound judgment about the benefits and risks of the drug. These articles explore every facet of these diverse approaches, highlighting an array of medical, economic, and social perspectives on marijuana and those who use it.
  • Abortion

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    Although abortion was officially decriminalized in the United States by the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, perspectives on abortion have always been, and remain today, radically different from state to state and person to person. Religion, access to birth control, the development of women's health care, and institutions such as Planned Parenthood are all at play in the public understanding of abortion. With recent changes in the Supreme Court causing uncertainty for the future of abortion access, the debate between pro-choice and pro-life advocates blazes on. Through this collection of articles, readers will discover stories of women's individual experiences, public protests, and groundbreaking U.S. legislation.
  • Influential Hip-Hop Artists: Kendrick Lamar, Nicki Minaj and Others

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    When Kendrick Lamar won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for his album "DAMN," critics announced that the award represented a belated acknowledgement of the cultural importance of hip-hop as a genre. The articles in this volume, ranging from music reviews to profiles, show the lives and careers of prominent hip-hop artists, including the controversies of Kanye West and the successes of Drake. The impact of these artists can be felt in the spheres of fashion, art, literature, and politics as well as in every sphere of music.
  • North Korea's Supreme Leaders: Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    The 2018 summit meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un brought renewed international attention to North Korea and its leading dynasty. Ruled by three successive generations of the Kim family, North Korea is one of the most authoritarian states in the world. This collection of articles covers the history of their dynasty, including Kim Il-sung's assumption of power in the wake of World War II, the intense cult of personality surrounding him that followed, and the twice-over handoff of power from father to son, first to Kim Jong-il and later to Kim Jong-un. This in-depth coverage presents a tale of human rights abuses, famine, and nuclearization at the hands of three eccentric, unpredictable, and fiercely nationalistic dictators.
  • Identity Politics

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    The subject of identity politics has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. In this collection of topical articles, readers will become familiar with a wide range of opinions and news concerning individual and group identities that form around race, sexual orientation, gender, political party affiliation, and more. The political usefulness of certain identities is explored, with a particular focus on the 2016 presidential election and the implications of one identity being politically asserted over another. Media literacy terms and questions will engage readers to consider the topic beyond the text.
  • #MeToo: Women Speak Out Against Sexual Assault

    The New York Times Editorial

    Paperback (New York Times Edu Pub, Aug. 15, 2018)
    It started with an article and grew into a movement. #MeToo was born in the wake of a Pulitzer-prize winning New York Times investigative report on producer Harvey Weinstein's habitual sexual harassment of young women. The hashtag empowered women around the world to share their stories of sexual assault and abuse. Corporations responded by firing dozens of accused CEOs, media moguls, and movie stars, and politicians responded by sponsoring legislation against sexual harassment. This collection of articles tracks the movement from its start. It looks at the international response and inevitable criticism, as well as the future of the movement.
  • Serial Killers: Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam and Others

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    Jack the Ripper. Charles Manson. Ted Bundy. Jeffrey Dahmer. Aileen Wuornos. These names conjure images of the worst of humankind. Much of what we know about these infamous predators came from news coverage at the time they were committing the murders that would scare and intrigue generations of readers. Sketches of these uniquely terrifying people emerged through descriptions of the victims and crime scenes, likely suspects, trials, sentences, and, in some cases, their own deaths. Grouped into four chapters that span the 1890s through 2010s, this book profiles nine of the most infamous serial killers in history.
  • Extraterrestrials and U.F.O.s

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, July 15, 2019)
    In December 2018, a bright blue light appeared over New York City. In thousands of Instagram posts and tweets, New Yorkers wondered: Could the light be signs of aliens? Although the lights turned out to be connected to a Queens powerplant, the curiosity they sparked speaks to the fascination we have for signs of life outside of Earth. The articles in this collection relate to the search for extraterrestrial life, detailing both the science that guides us toward it as well as the communities who believe it is already among us. In book reviews, op-eds, and feature reporting, scientists and journalists attempt to make sense of the question: Are we alone? Features such as a glossary and media literacy questions and terms engage readers beyond the text.
  • Abortion

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Library Binding (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    Although abortion was officially decriminalized in the United States by the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, perspectives on abortion have always been, and remain today, radically different from state to state and person to person. Religion, access to birth control, the development of women's health care, and institutions such as Planned Parenthood are all at play in the public understanding of abortion. With recent changes in the Supreme Court causing uncertainty for the future of abortion access, the debate between pro-choice and pro-life advocates blazes on. Through this collection of articles, readers will discover stories of women's individual experiences, public protests, and groundbreaking U.S. legislation.
  • Online Gaming: The Surge of Esports and Mobile Gaming

    The New York Times Editorial Staff

    Paperback (New York Times Educational Publishing, Dec. 15, 2018)
    In the mid 2000s, online gaming was a robust and thriving culture, with dedicated participants around the world. A decade later, mobile games had spawned billion-dollar franchises, and e-sports had earned a viewership rivaling the audiences of blockbuster films. As online gaming grew into a pop culture industry, new questions were raised about the role of video games in business, politics, education, and culture. The articles in this collection showcase the development of this multi-faceted industry, and features such as media literacy terms and questions will engage readers beyond the text.